First and foremost... Diamond Don doesn't take any sh!t.... Period. He gets crunk whether you like it or not..... If you don't watch yourself..... He will smoke your ass too.... Questions?
They aren't flip flops. They're slides. And I'm the mother effin Diamond! I can wear dat **** if I want to!
I just hope I don't get shot on the drive up. I don't think I'll take a nap, if I start snoring Diamond may just put a slug in me.
Don't trust anyone wearing one of those official brokeback mtn hats. Don't let Bloodcrick adjust anything on your bow! Alas, poor young simon/08 Don't believe that any of these guys will hunt for food. do party at the ANNUAL OFFICIAL FERGUS BONFIRE!
Another thing you guys should know.... Fergus owns the exclusive rights for the enity known as throwing the horns..... If you so dare to throw the horns yourself, be prepaird to pay Fergus royalties for infringing on his sole proprietorship....
Don't let Bloodcrick adjust anything on your bow! Alas, poor young simon/08 WHAT!!!!! I fixed the Lads bow, probably shot better than ever