Just curious what you guys pack in while shed hunting, especially the guys who put in the long hikes. These are items i like to carry. small back pack compact binos toilet paper pruners glow tacks tylenol two bottles of water camera camera pod sticks knife The binos are used for fields if i think i see something from far or in the hilly strip mine ground to look on opposite hills, to save me from going up and down more than i have to. The toilet paper is self explanatory The pruners and glow tacks are very important to me, if i find a new stand sight, i can go ahead and do some trimming and get it marked for the walk in, when season rolls around. Tylenol ? so a sudden head ache can be avoided and not ruin time spent in the woods. water?I like water alot, its about all i drink most of the time, and its just nessasary for long adventures to keep hydrated. the camera and sticks are for posing with monster sheds with a funky trucker style hat what ya all carry??????
For me it's a small backpack with TP,water and a knife.If I find a good spot for a stand I know where I'm at.
ski poles binocs camera water/soda ipod (if it is just me) backpack (for if i happen to find any sheds) fanny pack for camera/drink
meh, check your ego at the door, big chunk of it is luck......lucky to find them, lucky to have the right areas to look in, lucky to be able to get out and do something outside, etc......
I carry.. backpack binos (sometimes) water(s) few snacks (granola bars, fruit snacks, samich) another hat (ball cap if i'm wearing wool, wool cap if i'm wearing ball.) camera I like Wi's idea of taking a soda in. I don't drink much soda really.. but if I took a orange soda with me I'd likely be out in the woods longer.. bouncin' of the walls.
I carry on me..... Binos Rangefinder (I'm gonna start testing my yardage while out in the field) Gloves/Hat Phone (for the camera, text messages, and life support if needed. Plus, it does have an iPod built in, maybe I'll start using it) Plus I got a backpack packed with: Extra clothes Flagging Tape in Green and Orange Water Food (forgot it last time, I was starvin') Knife/Saw
I can see that, but there has to be some skill invlolved when some people find 20 or more a year and other find 0 or 1
I for got to mention i do bring a cell phone so i can send teaser text when i find some sheds :d Duke, i like the idea of the two kinda hats if the weather changes or are these just for posing? :d Kyle, i like kudos to
I just take a pair of Binos and my Bow! I turn my stump shooting into a shed hunt... or is it the other way around, my shed hunt into a stump shoot....err...a.... wait, is it a rabbit hunt!???
A little from column A.. a little from column B.:d Mostly for the weather.. I can sweat beyond belief after just a short time of sheddin'.. so I'll change hats for a cool down.