I hunted in September in middle GA a few weeks ago and remembered the hard way how great thermacell is. It is a game changer for early season hunts in the south. I got tore up bad without it. I have never had issues with deer smelling it either. Highly recommend. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
They work. Haven't had to use for hunting, but when we fish we camp on an island in the creek. It is loaded with no see ums and they ate me alive. The very next trip we went on, took the Themacell and didn't have any issues. It is always with me now!
Yea, they work great. Also go on u-tube and check on refilling the fuel canisters yourself. Saves some money.
Yeah, I listened to others and gave it a try. Now have two of them for hunting/photography with the earth scent. One at home for the patio and one up north. Also refill my own canisters. Might say I'm hooked. They work! A buddy of mine just got into bow hunting last year. He sent me a text the other day of the portable one. Said it was on sale and asked if it worked. I said, YES. Buy it! He bought two. He's in Michigan right now. Rented a cabin on a river. They plan to do some hiking too. Haven't heard from him but, guessing he'll be buying more when he gets back. Lol.
As a New Yorker I can proudly say I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Bugs don't exist during bow Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
My theory is that if they are downwind to smell the Thermacell, they will be smelling you anyway, no matter how much scent products you use.