2 Ameristep Dominator blinds at Walmart. They are a 3 person blind for $74. Also a bow kick stand. Turkey season cant come soon enough.
Bought a Primos PoleCat monopod shooting stick. Plan to try it out during turkey season and maybe use it during elk hunting come October. eBay- $20
Thanks! It's the double pin too. My daughter wanted a new aight so I gave her my HHA ultra and thought I would try this on for size. Sent from iPhone
I am new here, just mostly reading posts for some time now, My question is... What's a good arm guard ? Never thought I needed one , but my sleeve cost me a freezer filler this winter ( miss) .With all the clothing needed to be warm for a time, it's catches on my string. Maybe someone had some experience with this ?
Control freak back bar bracket for the Nitrum Put cat tails on the Arena 30 Replaced 2 Maxima Reds that I broke
25 ft climbing stick. Super cheap stuff this time of year, and if you can identify things you need, and weaknesses now by reflecting on the season, then you can make steps now to make next season a great one! Constant improvement. I found I needed to get some more permanent stands as well as a bit higher when filming my hunts.
thing i've bought in 2016: 1. elite i34 with v-grip 2. sitka gear (shacket,fanatic hoody,fanatic lite jacket)
Tammy has been wanting a ladder stand ever since hunting out of my buddies last season so picked up a nice one earlier this week. Also got a new trail cam and sd card reader!