Got me a scent blocker Shirt and bottoms. Base layers with Trinity. Got them on Ebay for a great deal.
Girly Camo Cabellas Pullover and a Pink iPhone Cover....Daughters First.. I got some window shopping in.
Where'd you find it? I have been looking for replacements for my bags as well, but haven't had any luck!
Kifaru Bikini Frame in Highlander. After going on this spending binge of wanting what colors I want and buying gear for more than what I need, I am done. Well after these next 2 glock purchases with flashlights...
Savage model 11 22-250 to help thin out the coyotes. No pics yet because of the 24 hour wait period of this great state. Will put some up when get it picked up though. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Is the 24 hours designed to make someone "cool off" so that they don't kill someone in the heat of passion?