I didn't pay for them, well shipping and handling, but I won a half dozen Victory arrows at the Full Draw Film Tour Event.
I've got one of those, paired with a cheap Amazon camera. So far it has worked flawlessly. Good luck! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Ordered a Wild game innovations field ion generator. Wanted a ozonics unit but that's out of my price range. Hopefully this thing will work need all the help I can get.
Well unfortunately the "Cheap" Amazon camera I got to go with it uses a Micro SD card and the adapter on the spy point is a standard SD card. Hoping my brother-in-laws camera (that I was planning to set this us with anyway) takes a standard SD card.
Had some Bass Pro gift cards burning a hole in my pocket from my birthday. I ordered the rinehart 1/3 elk 3d target with the free express shipping. Should be here be Wednesday.
Some 125gr 17/64 bullet point field points... shipping costs more than the pts... Now, the big question is whether I use this setup for elk or not... (125gr field tip, wrong diameter, used for estimation)... Gonna pack a heck of a punch for an SD diameter.
Not so much for me, but for my son and his compound bow: Junior Finger Wrist Release Aid and a Trophy Ridge HX Drop Away Arrow Rest. Hoping to have the arrow rest set up this evening so we can take it range tomorrow and test it out.
Deer Grunt Caller (Anticipating start to Early Rut in my area, like last year) Split Strand 3/16" peep 100 ct. Bohning Ice vanes 3 Finger Scott Archery Longhorn Hunter Hinge Release Pack of 3 Type-S Fit LED Nocks
Pack of slick trick magnum 100 grain for back ups and some universal fit green nocturnals. Sent from my SM-G781V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I went to get my seed which took me near a Walmart. Forgot my cream,cheese for poppers at Wegmans and stopped at the Walmart. On 2 racks they had fishing shirts. I have zero hunting clothes that fit now and I tried on this men's medium over my long sleeved blouse with the sleeves rolled up. It was roomy still. I bought the 2 camo for my early season hunts and the Blue for my son who loves to fish. TOTAL FOR ALL 3 12.00. That savings, they were 18.97 each, payed for the gas to get seed.
Just picked up the First Lite Sanctuary jacket and bibs for cold weather hunting, now we will probably have a warm Season?
Made my annual run to cabelas. Left with a pair of vortex diamondback 10x 42 Binos , 2 packs of muzzy trocar HB titanium and a summer sausage kit to finish off the rest of my venison from last season. Freezer will be empty and ready for an October 5 th fill up. So much more that caught my eye but I needed to have some self control!! Short of continued practice I’m ready. Let’s go !!! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
these are the cat's ass, and are always out of stock. This is a helluva price, too! I have had my original TSS (before XOP bought patent) for like 8 years and it it going strong...get them before they are gone
picked up a 3d leafy suit from Bass Pro; current sale has buy the jacket get the pants for free, paid $50. Like most clothes in the "Bass Pro" line up the quality is only so-so, hope to get a season or two out of them.