Just ordered a 12" trophy ridge static stabilizer, should get here friday, can wait to see what putting some length will do!
Me and my brother split the cost of a Redneck Buck Palace. Came Tuesday. Can't wait to hunt out of it.
Oh let's see. I got a new Triax too about 3 weeks ago! Love it! Still working on getting the Spot Hogg Fast Eddie XL all sighted in but it's coming along nicely.
Got the replacement limbs and string stop bracket from Barnett today. Went together with a nice precision fit. About 90% new bow again. Their warranty kind of sucks - 5 years from original purchase of the bow regardless of replaced parts. Guess they don't have a ton of faith in their products but one does not pay for the lifetime warranty like you do for other brands when you buy on either. Kind of a trade off.
My Hyperforce bow was finally delivered to my dealer on Wednesday. I picked it up today after 5 month 1 week wait!! The dealer paper tuned it, 5 adjustments and it shoots perfect bullet holes. It's got 40 - 50lb limbs so had him set it to 41lbs. I shot about 21 arrows and was getting 3" groups at 20 yards. Very different pull from my Diamond bows. But so far I love it. i"ll post a picture once I get the time. My next day off is Wednesday of this coming week. Went to Cabelas this evening to get some bits and pieces for it.
I been busy. Bought a new roof rack for my truck. Picked up another fishing kayak. Also bought a couple bows, Elite Emerge and Ritual. New custom Black Gold revenge sight. Rip cord drive rest. Strings are ordered and taking way to long.
Big Sitka Gear order today with most of the new 2018 line up. New Bending branches angler Kayak paddle. Farm to feet order for some everyday socks .
Got a new to me whalens hooker release off the archerytalk classifieds. 60 bucks for a release that would of costed me 150.00 new. Liking it so far.
I just ordered a set of front and rear seat Marathon Seat covers in Realtree AP for my 2008 Nissan Xterra SUV.
Bought some white Bohning arrow wraps yesterday. I have seen a few videos of wrapping the arrow and then gluing the fletching to the wrap. Going to give that a try. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My wife is gonna love this thread, so to be a team player and support your thread I bought a havalon baracuta last night with a compliments of blades