Just got my Barronett Big Cat 350 ground blind last week! Main selling point was the gun ports and it's 80" tall in the center so plenty of room for standing archery shots. Tons of room inside for 2 hunters, chairs and gear. 3rd hunter might be a bit tight but doable for sure. Also have a Stealth Cam G42NG camera and Stealth Cam iPhone card reader on the way. Can't wait for turkey season!!!
Turkey decoy deal of the season!!!! The HS Strut decoys are on sale at Di<ks for $29.99 each. Normal price on the hens are $70 and the Jake is $80. All are $29.99 with a $10 mail in rebate so $19.99 in the long run. I had a $10 Di<ks reward and sold the old decoys for $30. In the long run I got all 3, a combined $220 value for $20!!!! $90 for all 3 - $30 rebates =$60 - $10 card = $50 - $30 cash (old decoys) = $20 Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
. My starter cam I know it's nothing spectacular but it will serve its purpose Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
This showed up in the mail today. Just need tags and time and then spring bear opens up in under a month.
Basement sale. Bowhunter thinning out Picked up a new in box hang on stand for $35. Free harness included. Same as Walmart sale price but saved the $6 shipping. Don't know about the harness. Will use my HSS system this fall. Rest was overpriced.
Well, technically this was yesterday but the wife dragged me out car shopping so I wasn't able to post. I headed out to my local shop to get a QAD rest for my Hoyt AlphaMax 32. I ended up getting the Hoyt version...but it was attached to a new Pro Defiant. The first thing I did was take one off the shelf to shoot. No peep sight and a draw length 2" shorter than what I shoot. I was immediately in love. So when they offered me a deal on a package deal with an upgrade from a Whisker Biscuit to a QAD for less than the price of the WB package I jumped on it. I didn't have a whole lot of daylight left when I got home and before the wife called to see the car she'd picked out. I figure this isn't too bad for the Trophy Ridge Fix5 right out of the box.
Not sure if this would be counted as gear, we bought a JD 7000 six row planter to use for the farm and for planting food plots.
Long sleeve pull over in Mossy Oak came today. 100% cotton. On sale on eBay for $15 & free shipping. Feels good.
Bass Pro stop today. Picked up a new Red Head Striker Turkey vest and set of 3 strikers for my slate call. Vest on sale for $49, had $25 gift card, vest cost me $24 +tax. Got 4 cans of odor control for $2 can on close out at WalMart.
Rinehart 18-1, Arizona EZ-Fletch mini, and Bohning stripper. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums