Just ordered a Wendy's double baconator....wanting to see how the added insulation holds up this winter!
Halo xrt7 range finder A dozen Carbon Xpress maxima blu rz's. 4-3 packs of 100 grain rage hypos (got a good deal on eBay-$68 shipped) 6 CX lighted launchpad nocks. And I almost forgot about the Shadow Stabilizer I ordered. 10 in with a 2oz weight for the end. Only $48! They look to be real high quality for a much lower price. Guys on Archery Talk rave about them so I'm looking forward to getting it in a few days. Here's a pic. They have lots of colors to choose from. I went with all black collars and matte black carbon tube with a black weight. Can't make up my mind if I should order some scent blocker camo...its 50% off right now.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I bought, a full suit of scent blocker on Thursday, Friday I bought some scent blocker trinity laundry detergent, yesterday I bought nose jammer, anti scent deodorant, earth scented wafers, and new colored rubber pieces for my harmonic dampeners. also got my girlfriend a thumb release because her fingers are to short to reach the trigger on the wrist releases i have and after shooting that thumb release i am going to have to get one defiantly.
I sent off another order to Lancaster for more arrow parts and pieces. My new bow/rest/sight will be ready on Friday. (probably). Deer season opens on Thursday. It's gonna be a goooooood week!!
I like my 10" Shadow stabilizer. Mine is all black. A solid piece for a reasonable price. I got my order from Third Hand Archery in the mail. Haven't mounted the bow holder or the straps yet but they look great. Going to work on filling up the rag bag target with various things.
Just picked up an IQ bow sight to give it a whirl. Interested in how the retina lock helps me keeps form.
Scenblocker Alpha Jacket UA 3.0 long sleeve base layer The usual scent free sprays/detergents/soaps etc. NY tags Pack of Hypodermic 100gr practice heads.
my deal of the season! was at wally world and saw the G42ng for $113. This was on the front of the lockable slide. since there's no way I could've pulled a switcheroo cause it was locked on there, they gave to me for the price of the G42ng! $113 instead of $288.
HaHa! no im good guys. If there would've been 10 of them on that rack I would've cleaned house. What I don't get is they normally don't carry any high end models. I'm guessing this was an odd ball mistake maybe ordered to the store and ended up where it wasn't supposed to be. I was just in the right place at the right time!
New Muzzy MX-3 Broad heads. Have always had good performance out of them and see no reason to change now.