I got lazy the other day in the heat and just threw this up over the water hole on the farm.... I'm sure am glad I'm lazy! ---
By the way, this was up for 2 days and I have no other pics of these bucks as far as I can tell from before setting this cam up!
looks like some shedded there velvet so they will change patterns and maybe you got on the lucky side of that and have the bucks move on to your land hopefully youl see em in day light
Pat I wish I could....this is the only spot thats close, the camera is way over my head going up hill with heavy brush under it and a trail going thru the middle!
http://www.shop.ducklickcreek.com/Covert-Tree-60-Camera-Mount-898079002113.htm Angled down a little more is what I meant :D
I know, I know...but there is brush directly under the cam, any lower and I'll get 1000's of pics swayin in the wind! LOL!
While I am hijacking your thread and tossing out shameless plugs here's another option :D http://www.sticnpic.com/