I don't like too many youtubers, but these guys remind me of some boys I ran with back in my 20's. I like the approach. Some shots they take are less than desirable, but I have done it too and will likely have it happen again.. the one thing about bowhunting is you never master it.. 3 decades in and I still shake like leaf on a doe.. check them out if you are bored..
They're awesome and real. Makes me even want to hound hunt for bear haha plus living in southeastern Ohio I can relate to their hunts. Not many guys in West Virginia having the quality hunts those guys pull off. Sent from my LML212VL using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I hound hunt all the time and have been for 35 years, and I mean deer hunting with them! Long time southern tradition here...
Ive watched some videos of that but I don't think itd be my cup of tea lol nothing wrong with it in my eyes if that's how people like to get their deer. Even with the black bear I feel like id probably be more into it if I was a houndsman myself. Have had some buddies that are big coon hunters and never could get into it for that reason I think. Sent from my LML212VL using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
well like I said, it's been here since 1607 in VA. The lowland areas where I hunt are thick, swampy and lots of cutovers.. not ideal for bowhunting but I find a away to do it during bow season.However, in this part of the state, everyone for miles and miles hunts with dogs come mid november and the deer turn nocturnal. Makes it almost impossible to bow hunt for them. But I, like most southeast VA boys were raised doing it and it's a good time with friends as well.
we have too many deer. we get 3 buck tags and unlimited doe tags. no way we could kill enough in this habitat by still hunting alone.. dogs will and do get them up from places we can't get. my club with 33 members on 7k acres average 150 deer a year. it's nonsense how many deer are in VA