Okay guys, after reading Todd's blog about the unknown game cam photo on the homepage, I decided that I would try messing with it on Photoshop to see if I could get a better idea of what the creature is and this is the best that I can come up with..... I said German Shepard and I am still leaning that way. I definetly believe it has a canine tail, but that face does look an awful lot like a deer....
K9 all the way... I did the same thing with photoshop, just to see if I could filter anything out. Can't find anything definitive, but I still say its a latrans or lupis.
I may have never identified this wolf if I hadn't heard them that night howling on a kill. I have some great wolf shots that my Dad and I got over the last few years. Ill post them when I get them downloaded to my Mac.
I am going with a deer. I can't tell if it is a doe or buck...but it is a deer. The problem with the image is a blur that is usually associated to the flash going off a split second after the shutter is open and basically ghosting the image. I am still going with that answer...
I told you all, It's chupacabra! It migrated North. He was tired of the lack of food down in Mexico?!?
I'm betting a paycheck that it's not a deer... it's a K-9. After you get past the very non-deer like tail, look at the posture. Deer don't really hunker down and walk at the same time, notice how far out front that front leg is. That's the coyotes, "I'm unsure of what's over there but I'm not too scared" walk. Check out the photo below and notice the similarities, unfortunately he doesn't have his front let out... But look at the shape of the hump between the shoulder, notice the shape of the hind legs, neck position, head shape... etc. Coyote Pic - Similar