Hey guys my name is Dylan Hughes, I am originally from Minnesota, but now live in Clermont,FL. I am completely new to hunting in general, so any advice ever is always appreciated. I really at this point, am just trying to figure out what is the first step to get my wheels going in the direction of hunting in august. Obviously I need to take the safety course first, but then what? Any help or input would be great! Thank you!
Welcome! I would say if you want to bow hunt, get a bow and practice practice practice. Also read as much material as you can to broaden your knowledge of the sport. Again welcome and enjoy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you tfarah! That is what seems to be the reoccurring factor, there is no such thing as too much practice! Thanks again!
Your welcome. There are a lot of people on here that know a lot! Ask questions and you will get answers. Hope you enjoy the sport as many of us do! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The safety course will actually teach you a pretty good bit to get you going. Then, as said, I would get a bow and start shooting. Welcome to the site by the way!
Yeah I agree with others, the safety course will teach you a lot. Find a local bow shop and meet some other hunters. Watch the hunting videos here on Bowhunting.com. When you come across something you like or want to do ASK someone about it. These guys here on the Prostaff and the guys in this forum will help in anyway they can. There are some good channels on Youtube as well like GrowingDeer.tv and many others.
welcome to the site.... and if you have a question someone here has the right answer....I learned that quick lol