Some of you saw the thread "Win a bowfishing trip, help some kids..." Well the winner of the trip, our very own JMbuckhunter took his friend Briggetta (sorry if I mangled her name) to Rend lake on the 15th. The weather had the trip on "touch and go" status. After some cold rain, lots of wind and even some good sized hail, we got a break and decided to give it a try. There were fish up, but not in good numbers. The cold rain had pushed most of them to deeper water. Still John made the most of what he saw and whacked several, including his last of the night a very large spotted gar that weighed over 9 pounds. We weren't able to get B. her first fish (yet). She was still getting used to a new bowfishing bow. But she made some great shots. Her last had to have tickled the belly of the gar she was trying to hit. I know, I know, "This thread is worthless without pictures...". Sorry! I set the waterproof camera aside to bring along. C saw it and thought "I should put that on the charger so it's ready for the trip." and I forgot it. Out of sight...out of mind. Doooh. Thanks again to John and B for being such troopers with the weather. I hope you guys had fun.
Yeah, I've been meaning to post about that trip, but have been busy. I've got a few pics at home I'll get up here tonight. Any time you can stick a few fish it's well worth the effort. That being said, it was pretty dang cold out there that night. I give the guys who shot in the tourny Saturday night credit. That had to be worse.
Finally got a couple of pics resized to post on the auctioned off trip. I think we ended up with about 10 fish in the barrel. Here is the big spotted gar and a good sized common carp. Thanks again for the guide service Kendal.