Back in my younger days we would play Mother on every juke box at every bar we went to. Long before people played Creed or Rick Astley, JZ and his gang would load up some funds and pump Danzing 15 times in a row before we left.
After a too warm October I'm so ready for this cold front pushing in and November magic. I splurged a bit the other day and ordered some Iron Will Wides and Easton FMJ's as an early birthday present to myself and I'm really hoping the IW's will fly true enough for the 30 yard shots available in the murder hole plot this November. The IW's remind me of some wide single blades that a now deceased machinist friend made for our hunts in the early 90's, Nothing like them was available on the market then and those things were short range deer slayers in a big way. I only have 2 of the heads left that Mike made and I won't hunt with them anymore out of fear of losing them.