I'm with you on this! The 25th through Halloween is probably my favorite stretch of the year to hunt, and I'm mainly on the sidelines right now. Warm temps, rain, wind, work, and football are cramping my style right now. It looks like Friday afternoon could be my first trip to the stand this week. Hoping it's good once the temps start to fall and the pressure starts to rise. Saturday should be on fire here.
I posted in the lfts thread that we had to take my elderly mother in to our home. This has really limited my hunting days early on. My wife has to do most of her personal care but I try to do everything else. I told my wife I would really like to hunt as much as I can the next two weeks and she said she understood. Still, I will feel a little guilty putting more on her but she says she wants me to go. So hopefully I can git-r-done quickly and that way she won't be so burdened. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
We don't see the colder temps until Monday here. I feel like... cough cough, I could be sick and unable to work next week a couple of days. Good luck dude!
With the incoming rain on my weekend off and work, I might not get much time til next Thursday. Then I have 10 days of vacation but have some travel soccer mixed in so I will lose a couple days. I love late October..my favorite time.
Cams showed Dec10ish time frame having a lot of bucks on the move last year. Kind of shocking to me but they don't lie.
Scenery is changing quick. Saturday the crop fields will be about 60 percent picked, the leaves will be falling quickly, and might even have a small frost. Looking great for late October.
In our area it never fails. Some of my most exciting hunts have been in december. The unbred does are really starting to disappear so if you can be lucky enough to be hunting in the area of one its insane.
Shot one of my top 3 bucks on opening day of duck season. Got in tight to the marsh on a pinch point. About hour after sun up all the duck hunters were pushed in and about done shooting first light. Here came the deer train. Had 13 deer come by me, including 3 shooter bucks. The first was the biggest and at the time my personal best. I could actually see duck hunters from my stand. Great time to be in there. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
meh, there is something that goes against the grain sitting in a tree 200-300 yds from a lousy caller and having 12 ga 3.5"/10ga's going off and pellets coming down around me .... I'll wait and hunt the PM's there after they leave around noon ... Ive got locations for N/NW-N/NE that are not back in the marshes I'll hunt for the AM's then go into the marshes for afternoon hunts ..... usually by 9-10 am, the waterfowl flights are over and gone from the areas/lakes and it quiets down ... I like getting out there around 10-11am and get settled in .... esp. with a Full Moon like we have (cant see it cause of the clouds/rain)..... it will be waning now, 90% illumination and it's rise/underfoot time is changing ..
Just saying there is a bright side to every situation. Never know unless your out there. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
That was me last Sunday - got too close to the duck pond and had shot spraying down all around me all morning. I only made it an hour and gave up and went home. Yes, a deer still could have come by, but it ruined the experience for me.
Our gun season runs two weeks right after thanksgiving and the bucks, especially mature ones, are on their feet a lot. that couple week time period into december should align with the 2nd cycle of unbred does. Makes sense. Less receptive does but definitely enough to be on your feet looking. Craziest thing I ever saw was two bucks dogging a doe like it was Nov 9, but it was the second week of January... lol.
for me, a good day is when I dont see, hear nor smell another human, let alone putting up w/sky blasters ... nope, I'll pass