nice!!! lots of good fishing out this way as well. supposed to be in the 50's today maybe I can get out for a bit and do more looking.
Yesterday 3-17-15 was a good day with finding three nice sheds. One of them the tree rats found first but did not do a lot of damage but enough to make me mad. Here are the sheds that I found to put my total up to 23 sheds: Now here is the loaded question! Here is a shed that was on someone else's property that I CAN NOT go on. Does this one count too? If so I have 24 sheds then even though I did not pick this one up due to I am not going to trespass!
I am going to go for a walk in the morning unless the wife has plans for us. We will see if I can not get lucky enough for a squirrel or yote to carry that shed over the property line! LOL
well, yesterday was gonna be a full day of shed hunting. the wife and i left about 9a.m. and drove about 45 miles north to some good spots only to find out 2" of fresh snow. we only walked about 200 yards before realizing it would be best to come back and wait till its melted. i did find a 4pt side in the short walk though. so far, i've only found 3 sheds. all smaller 4pts.
Just picked up first of the day, I will add pics when I'm done walking today. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Well, my walk on 3-21-15 was a bit disappointing! I jumped my big herd to see that NONE of them had any antlers. The whole ground has been covered so that means that property is done unless I missed some. I did walk past where that shed was on the other property and it is gone. That owner of the property must of got it. Here are some pictures I took while I was out though. Every time I got in position with no branch's in the way on the owl he would fly off. I followed him for about 15 minutes until he was tired of jumping trees then flew across the river. LOL
Finally found another on Friday makes 3 for me and tonight getting snow 2" of white stuff and more to come they say
Congrats Chevs on the shed! I am heading out at 3:30 to hit my best spot and have not been in there this year. Hoping to get a few sheds, we will see! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Found 2 more tonight! 1 fresh dinker and 1 real old chewed up shed. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Updated to this point! Way to go guys keep it up since I think my count is fixing to either slow a lot or stop.
I am heading to a new property tomorrow morning that I just picked up. I call to confirm tonight and the owner said his wife picked up a match set right in there front yard about a month ago. So I know there are bucks there, I can't wait! I will keep you guys posted tomorrow while I am walking. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Some of the best land I have been on all year, and 0 sheds! Go figure. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk