Well I just got back and the 2 were the only ones I found. They both still had blood on the bases and were about 75 yards apart and one of them was about 30 yards from a buck bed that I found a couple weeks ago. This is the first time I ever found one with blood on it still, so I am pumped. I picked them up on public ground that I drive by all the time going to one of my jobs.
Who is going out this weekend? I may not get out this weekend, but I am taking off work on Monday to do a all day shed hunt. In the next 4 weeks, majority of the bucks in my area will have dropped. The shed numbers should really be picking up soon!
Well, this is getting crazy! I went to the spot where I found the two sets and found another shed in the same spot. Not sure why beside the snow is a tad less than every where else. The deer are hanging out in this spot A LOT so I think I will be finding sheds in this spot all shed season. I have found 6 sheds in a 30-40 yard radios. This is crazy! Here is todays find:
Nice Dawg! I had a couple areas like that, and would walk them 3-4 times a season and still find sheds. I think you found this years honey hole!
I am going for a walk in the morning at a different property that is public in hopes that no one has been out there due to the weather. We will see what happens!
I had the same thought about today. It snowed on Saturday and the temps and winds have put temps in the sub zero the past 2 days. So when I was out there today, there wasn't a single tract in the whole park.
Great minds think alike! Temps here are to be nasty for the next week so it should keep the SALLY's at home and guys like me in the woods!
One thing that has been bothering me is that I have found two blood trails and there has been NO antler at either end of it. I know the area so I am sure it is on the ground somewhere and hope not the adjoining property.
I also wonder if a fox or coyote would ever pick up a shed. Have you tried walking in on a different direction to get a different view point? If I feel there should be a shed in a area, I will walk back a forth in every direction I can. It works some times! Haha
I am a big grid searcher! The properties that I have I hit on different days so that I am not on the same spot day in and day out. I grid search because you need to cover all the ground. You never know when you might walk by one. I usually give myself about a 40 to 50 yard move over for each move. It is time consuming but it works out for me.
Nothing this morning but a SAD sight! What a sad way to die for a deer! I think it is a buck that had shed also. Here he is: