Justin and I headed down to our lease this past weekend to do a little shed hunting.. seeing who made the gun season and the long winter. We came up with 3 sheds between the 2 of us.. but MOST importantly.. 2 were off of whitetail we knew well. In fact.. 1 Justin knows really well. The first find is off a buck we affectionately call "Dope Ear". Many of you might know him.. as he was the buck who got away on a early November hunt with Justin and I (the cameraman). He was featured on the WKP video (yes the one JZ missed ) and in the front page of this website for many months. This second ATL is one of the strangest places I've ever found a shed. On top a log.. nearly 3 feet off the ground. Darn squirrels!:mad1: The cool part however is that it belongs to the WKP cameo star "Big Rob".. named after our own Rob/PA.:d "Big Rob" is alive!
I forgot to add. The most interesting part of finding these 2 sheds was the location of both. They were found not 100 yards apart. But here's where the story gets real cool.. "Dope Ear" was so aptly named for his ear being busted on his right side. "Big Rob" has basically a giant spikey looking messed up antler on his left side. It begs one to wonder.. if these two were bedding nearby each other.. they are likely very well versed in each others "ways".. friends at certain times of the year and enemies at other times. It was clear to JZ and I that "Dope Ear" was the dominant of the 2. "Big Rob" was younger and in one encounter following "Dopies" wanderings. What I'm getting at is.. perhaps they got in a few "tussles" every now and again. Hence.. the "dope ear". Cool stuff. It would be neat to bring this story home. Justin taking "Dope Ear" and myself with "Big Rob". And we'll always know every time we look at our walls that my buddy has his buddy.:d Here is a quick link for those who want to see just who "Dope Ear" is. http://www.bowhunting.com/gallery/12/media/281/justins-2008-miss.aspx
Sweet finds Duke!! That is pretty awesome you were able to find the sheds of two bucks you had documented history with throughout the year. Just remember Justin, even the pros miss to make the general public feel good. :D
Hope you have the good luck of having some run ins with those deer this fall. Nothing better than having a bit of history with a buck then having an opportunity to close the deal..... Got a buck that I have yet to see in the woods, but I got the sheds from him the last two years, this year he will be a 4 year old, really hoping that I can figure out where he is hiding out....
Well done my friend. Hopefully this fall someone can connect on one of these two bucks. I'm glad to know they both made it through the season, but it would've been nice to find proof of some other bucks as well. I guess only time will tell who's left and who bit it during gun season.
Now thats just wild!! I do remember Dope ear and Big Rob from the vid and i still get a kick out of the one named after Rob'o Awesome finds guys ans story to match!!
As per Scotts request.. shed number 3. At one time quite the shed.. but it was a year or more old and chewed up considerably.
Good to see a couple sheds from bucks we saw. I look forward to the possibility of seeing what Big Rob looks like this fall. Good stuf guys and gets me pumped to get back down there!!!