With the rut starting up here in Northern Illinois I am always interested in finding out peoples strategies when hunting the rut. With so many different products, methods, and strategies I would like to know what people do, have been successful/unsuccessful at, and want to try. It seems that whenever I talk to people around my age (mid 20's) and a little older they are always trying something new that they just bought or read about to get the upper hand. When I talk to older guys they seem to have a method they have been using for years and always stick to it.
Ding Ding Ding! Nothing beat simply being in the woods. Seems like right now thing are just getting going so I'm going to focus on hunting where the does are at. IMO once the bigger bucks get on their feet in daylight they'll be starting to bump does around and look for the first ones to come in estrus. Once things really get rocking and bucks are cruising heavily I'll setup on travel corridors and plant my butt in the stand all day.