November 2009 has been extremely exciting for me, even though I haven't capitalized... yet. I spent 1 weekend in Oklahoma and 2 in Kansas. It's been one week since I've been in the woods as I'm visiting family in California. The first weekend of November (in Oklahoma) I passed on a deer that was right around 120" and 6 yards from the base of my tree. That was all the action I'd seen when I said enough was enough. I headed North to Kansas (as much for a change of scenery as anything) to see if I could kill a bleach horned giant. Six sits had produced five deer over 130" inside of 50 yards... Not one deer provided any type of ethical shot whatsoever. It's frustrating to put yourself in the right location but not be able to close the deal, but that's the way it goes. Last Sunday morning I found myself in a stand that I'd seen 7 bucks from the previous morning, two of which were shooters that stayed beyond 75 yards. I sat until 11:15 and climbed down as the stomach wasn't feeling great. At 1:15 I was headed into my stand and spotted a mid 120's 8pt about 100 yards down in the creek bottom. I got within 30 yards of my stand when the brush pile to my left 20 yards erupted. A doe jetted for the creek bottom and my stomach sickened again as I watched what followed her... a giant typical 9 or 10pt jumped up and trotted away probably 170+. I sat there the rest of the day hoping that magically he'd appear again, unfortunately he never did. I've seen more shooter bucks between the hours of 11am-3pm than I have in morning and evening hunts combined. It's been great thus far and I have high hopes for the rest of the season! I also had the chance to meet Sliverflicker and his wife Kris. They cooked a great meal and are great people. John has probably forgot more about hunting mature whitetails that I know. Sliv, I appreciate the hospitality and the conversation... looking forward to doing it again soon! :D:D:D
Honestly, Dustin. Even though you haven't capitlized, you've certainly had some great encounters (I think you saw more 120"+ deer this season than I've seen the last 10 seasons. You've traveled a couple of places to hunt a variety of terrain (something I've always wanted to do). So far, I would already call it a success.
Good for you, Dustin .... your season doesn't match with mine and many others on here .. I am glad it's been so awesome for ya
Thanks for the kind words Dustin, wish we would have had more time to talk. You know your welcome at our place any time. Hopefully we can sit down and plan a Bear hunt for next season with Dan or something. Good luck the rest of this season.
Wow, what an awesome season you've had already... and meeting someone like Sliv in person would just cap it off!
Nov. 16th was a good day. I saw 4 shooter bucks and only got a shot at the smallest of the 4. A nice 5 point that had 2 broken tips, that made him legally a 5 point. The 2 points were broken off less than 1.5". Which in Ark. make it a legal 5 point. I was happy to get him though.