picture 37 look behind the smaller tree to the right there is a big deer behind it very wide just never got close
We only got 5 more days until we are sitting in deer stands in Illinois! I have a strange feeling this week is going to go extra slow here at work!
GREAT PICS! I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I was in the stand morning and evening on Sunday but didn't see any deer. Looks like their patterns have changed. Time to put in some hours scouting and camera placing again. Good luck to everyone who's season starts this weekend!!!
Yeah good luck to everyone this weekend! This week can't possibly go any slower! I try not to think about the season coming up but for some reason my mind always wonders back off to it
Hey I am just curious...what other hunting websites do you guys visit? Here are a couple I go to.... www.prairestateoutdoors.com www.heartlandoutdoors.com www.midwestwhitetail.com
This really gets me thinking i have a friend who does nothing to cover his scent he works to get to his stand and sweats he doesn't hunt the wind at all ready this year already he has 3 does down and a 7 pointer. Now me i have scent lock i use scent away i do anything and everything to not sweat and i hunt the wind what i have to show for it is a missed shot and getting busted it really gets me thinking what works and what is just absolutely pointless. I'm not worried because i know the deer around me are in the corn and i know ill get plenty of chances but man it makes me wonder.
yeah I'm kind of in the same boat as you are. I play the wind/scent free game and I always seem to get busted. I hunt public land so the deer are a little "smarter" than the average. Playing the wind also got me thinking about my last hunt. I was sitting and about 7:30p I got bored so I busted out my fawn call and gave it a couple grunts. I did a couple little sequences and all of a sudden at the end of the field about 400 yards away I see something run across it. I knew it was a four legged animal and it seemed kinda tall so I got my binos and gave it a look. Whatever it was trotted into the tall grass (about 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall). When I got my binos focused in I could see it's head and I thought it was a coyote, so I was like "SWEET", let's call him in and bag a "song dog". I give the fawn call another little grunt sequence and when he stepped out of the grass I was taken aback a little. It looked like a German Sheppard/Coyote mix. He was massive. He ran toward me about 200 more yards and apparently hit the wind just perfectly and stopped dead in his tracks, sniffed and turn around and headed back to where he came from. It was funny because he ran from the woods to the middle of the field just so he could directly downwind of the fawn call. Smart little boogers they are. Now I'm kind of "scared" because he wasn't no little guy. lol Time to start taking the glock.
Yeah the more years I hunt the more I try to take into account wind direction stand placement etc but every year it seems like sometimes it counts whereas othertimes you can be smoking in your tree and have a monster buck walk directly to you downwind. I just washed all my clothes and have been hanging everything outside. Hope it helps to bag a big one this weekend!
Hey guys, I thought I would check in and let you know that I took an opening day (evening) doe on Saturday. I was in my stand early Saturday and had a few deer moving around me when it was still dark. Once the sun was up, nothing passed my way except a few squirrels. I regrouped at lunch and took my lonewolf out in the afternoon. I ended up seeing two decent bucks and ten doe that evening. The deer mentioned above ate and mingled for quite some time in a field to my North. The two bucks and most of the does did not move within shooting range. It was beautiful day and I really enjoyed watching these deer during my evening hunt. As my opening day was coming to a close, this girl made the mistake of coming in within 30 yards of my stand. She went maybe 80 yards and dropped within sight. It was a nice opening day on public land here in Illinois. Best wishes to all of you.