some people will shoot fawns to keep their herd in check ratio wise. If you can tell the fawn is female it would be the same as shooting a doe. If someone has a lot of agricultural crops that are being destroyed by deer then they might wanna take out the reproducers (doe and doe fawns) to keep the numbers low. plus they are really good to eat.
I am really careful what bucks I take but I too will shoot a fawn occasionally. Especially if it is the first deer of the year then I will shoot one. Now it there is a fawn and a doe, I will always take the doe. I also will never shoot a deer that has spots on it.
So how is everyone's seasons going that have already started?? We are down to 10 days until the start here in Illinois and I couldn't be more excited!
The public land hunting could have been better but im going to my honey hole with my uncle this weekend hoping to get a big guy out of there but who knows.
My season started off with a bang. I got that 8 point on opening day and I've seen deer everyday I've been in a stand.
Well guys kinda got some bad news for ya. The government has deployed me to and undisclosed location for an undisclosed amount of time. So that pertty much means im the 5th wheel or 11th wheel i should say and sorry i can't help the team out but i will closely be monitoring the team from here. Go get 'um boys! Best of luck to ya'll!
Sorry to hear that! We will hopefully bring ya a victory and heck maybe it'll be a quick mission and you'll be back in time to bag one late in the season!
well dang man! It's cool everyone else will step up and bag enough to cover ya! Thanks again for what you do!! Stay safe!
Guys: I took my son Matt who is 13 bear hunting last weekend. We had two bears start to come in to the bait but both stopped shy of the bait. The first one was big, at least 350 dressed, I honestly think a little more. My son was eye to eye with him in a ground blind about 25 yards from the bear for 5 to 8 seconds, the bear backed out and circled a couple of times never giving Matt a good shot. The second bear was one was one we have pictures of, a long legged bear around 180 to 200 pounds. He circled us just before dark and never presented a shot. Matt was so excited. We did not see a bear Sunday but it was really windy and rained fairly heavily during our sit. Matt had football practice all this week but we will try again this weekend. Sorry guys but it may be a week or two before I get out in a deer stand.
It's cool Dean. It's not a race to see who can get the points the fastest. As long as everyone contributes to their best ability, we'll do just fine. This weekend a cold front is pushing through south georgia and our lows are dropping to 50. You can definately find me in a stand all weekend. Thank god for the relief.
Just throwing ideas out there but since Northernredneck is being deployed should we try to pick up someone else in his spot? It may give us a better shot of winning and I noticed that there was a guy even yet this afternoon that was in search of a teammate. Just curious what you guys think??
Tomorrow getting out of school early to go up to my uncles land to hunt the evening and the weekend pumped hoping to see a tun of deer hopefully who knows
Tony, Thank you for all that you do. Stay safe. I guess I will just have to drop a larger buck this season.
2xlung5h0t - I vote you personal message the gentleman that said that the alternate sign up was closing down. If you do it soon we can find someone to replace Tony and have a full complete team. I say do it before the day is out. It will only increase our chances of being competitive! Thanks in advance
Thing are looking pretty good here guys! I hunted a new area last night and saw a few deer. I drew on one but could not get set up before it was out of my small shooting lane. It was a doe w/ a small buck. They had switched order going through the brush into the field and caught me not ready to make a shot. Hopefully tonight they come out in the same spot and I'll be ready.
illinibowhunter - already did and he assigned us a new member. Just waiting for him to pm me back. If he doesn't we will be eligible for another one. Thanks for the heads up tho!!!
no luck here guys almost got a big doe but its fawn spotted me ill get some of the pictures i have from it at least 6 defferent bucks just all nocturnal right now.