Hey sorry to hear that about the buck! It's a real bummer when you wait for a particular buck only to have it shot by someone else but at least you know there are other nice ones out there! Good luck bear hunting!
That sucks. Thankfully i dont have that problem no one hunts around the land my uncle owns just old farmers that walk out 100 feet of there house and and sit on gun season and shoot a couple does.
WE ARE #1 ON THE SCORECARD AT THE MOMENT! I just had to say it b/c who know's how long it'll stay like that! haha .. I know everyone can't wait for their season openers!!!
I will enjoy this moment for as long as it lasts lol. I am really picky when it comes to shooting bucks so who knows if I will even contribute one this year. Hopefully with how much I hunt something nice is bound to walk by eventually!
well i let one, well two slide by tonight. my eye was on a different species. Looks like I shouldn't have passed on em, but I'm sure there will be many more chances. What I was after. Didn't see What strolled by that I passed on.
yeah that's a big ole pig. my stand is literally 10ft to the right of the camera and 20 ft up. He always tends to slide in when I'm not there. I am GOING to get his ass, trust me.
You get alot activity for public land do you have alot of pressure there or is it pretty much just you in the area
ehh this early in the season it's still pretty warm so there isnt much going on .. Just the caretaker turning on and off those giant sprinklers. It's an archery only place so there really isn't much pressure year round. You'll get the occasional dove hunter but they didnt plant anything in the dove fields so everyone is going other places. Makes me happy tho. I'm a risk taker tho, I leave my camera's out and my stands. But I place em in places that I think I would only be. My stands are under lock and key so if someone is toteing around a pair of lock cutters than they can have em.
No worries. A clean miss is better than a poor hit in my book. Learn from it and connect next time. When are you heading back out to the woods?
its cool I did the same thing this morning on a doe at 32 yards .. but she didn't spook to bad .. she trotted about 10 more yards and then just eased on .. like nothing ever happened .. I'll get her next time.