yellow is property line green is stand and blue is trails we cut down with the tractor. property is about 80 acres and planning on putting in some food plots next year. property is very hilly tuns of bedding area saw 2 does just going in the property with the truck at 9 in the morning going to be a pretty good year i think
The picture i have been waiting for Just retrieved my trail camera and was suprised at what i got. There is a nice 10pt buck roamin around. Here is the picture of the buck i will be going fo this year. I call him "The Prize" I got my eyes on the prize.
got us on the board fellas! 8 point down on opening day .. go check out my thread in the bowhunting section. Probably going to score about 100 idk. YEAH BUDDY
My buck didnt score as well as I thought but hey it's still a decent score. 90 4/8 posted in the score card thread. Now on the hunt for a doe. TEAM HEARTSTOPPERS is on the board!!
Deer names I just posted some pictures on here from my trail camera of a nice ten point. I don't really like the name I gave him. Anybody have any suggestions
Alright boys my season starts Thursday..... you better believe i'll be sitting in the blind! can't wait!
Hey Dean you should send those monsters you have runnin' around down by me for opening weekend!!! ;-)
I am jealous about all you guys that are hunting or will be hunting before weeks end. I went out and checked my cameras last night and had a 115 inch 8 point right underneath one of my stands during multiple days. He needs one more year to mature but I am hoping he may walk by my girlfriend and present her with a shot! I have my sights on an 11 pt and nice 8 point that are also roaming my area.
This is the buck I would like my girlfriend to get a shot at! He still needs another year to be really nice but would make for a great first buck! I believe he is an 11 pt and is definitely on my hit list this year! This is another 8 pt that I will sling an arrow through if given the opportunity Another nice one that I have on my radar if he comes in! I actually had this camera over some fish guts seeing if some coyotes would come in and was surprised to have him on there. I should probably name him fishy
Unfortunately I just found out the #1 buck on my hit list is dead. I had been after him for 2 years. In 09 he was at least a 150 inch 10. Saw him twice that year once at 15 yards but no shot. Not very photogenic just three pics of him. I was told a neighbor shot him that rifle season. I was really bummed, then I got a pic of him on Dec 26. Turns out the "monster" the neighbor shot was a high 120's 9 that I had passed on waiting for the 150. Last fall I saw him once. Had two pics of him on consecutive nights at a scrape. He looked a LOT bigger. Again there was a rumor that a neighbor shot him. I blew it off, no pics but I really felt he was alive. Today I found out he grossed 183 netted 176. He was shot on a parcel that abuts me Nov 10. Congrats to that hunter but I have been in a funk since I got the news. I wont pass anything over 130 this year.Heck I might try for the first one over 120. I do have one 140 or so but he is 4 1/2 years old, I wont wait on him though. Easy to say now but we will see. Our season open Saturday the 17th but I am taking my son Bear hunting. Wish us luck.