I have two that are at the top of my list. They are in different areas about 30 miles apart. I am anxious to have season start. Opening weekend I wont get out as my son who is 13 has a bear kill tag and I will be with him. I hope he sees a bear getting one would be icing on the cake. Dean
We've got a no-show. I just realized that we are missing one person, JBudd. anyone heard from him/her or should I assume they are MIA? Cody is going to be making an alternate's thread so we'll probably get another team mate to replace the no show. Other than that, how was everyone's weekend?
All is well here. Tonight, I took a hike around a lake within the state ground I hunt. I left after dark but spotted a few nice bucks and a number of does out in the bean fields just across the road from the area I hunt. Looking forward to October! Craig
LAST CALL FOR JBUDD!! move it or lose it. I got my first taste of blood since March on a little dove shoot this past weekend. Now I'm ready for the weekend to get here so I can sling some sticks at some South GA Whitetail. It's been a long time coming! I practiced last night (11pm) shooting 50 yards at a paper plate. Only light was from my flood light on the side of my house and my garage light. I highly recommend practicing in low light. You have no idea how much easier it makes shooting in the daylight. It'll make your confidence improve, so you won't second guess or hesitate (which leads to bad shots).
Got to love wisconsin weather hot then cold my luck it going to end up being a hundred degrees on the 17th
haha yeah .. it's a little different here in South GA. all i can hope for is opening day being low 90s. It probably won't happen so I'm prepared for low 100s. We won't have decent temperatures until halloween.
So got back from bear hunting in Northern Minnesota. There was a warm spell that came through to start the season and it really threw everything off its routine. Not only did I not get a bear but I did not even see a bear! But on the plus side it felt really good to get in a tree stand and just relax.. One guy in our group did manage to shoot a bear and I've included a picture of me with that bear. I did manage to come back and check my trail cams. Will hopefully post some pics later tonight or tomorrow of a decent buck that I have my eye on. I was needing to actually shoot at something so I did go out yesterday morning and do a little dove hunting. I didn't see too many but did manage to go 2-3.
yeah man! now we've got a full roster!! Welcome Jordan, looking forward to getting to know you better this season!
haha .. the low here was 65 today and we all were like "god its cold". this "cold" weather should stay around for our opener on Saturday but then next week it's right back up to the 100s.
Ah it was down in the high 40s when I left for work this morning. Also saw some corn being shelled which definitely gets you in the mood to sit in a deer stand!
I guess it is what you are used to. When it gets to 85 and humid I am just miserable, I hate it. I don't want to work out, shoot, work the dog, nothing. I am comfortable in colder weather two of my better bucks were taken when it was below 0. One of my proudest I call the 30 below buck ( that was with wind chill) but you get the point. I cannot fathom being in a treestand when it is in the 90's
Looks like my opener is going to be pretty good 71 high and a 52 low alot better than 100 thats for sure
YEAH BUDDY! season starts tomorrow. I'll be in my stand by 5:15a. Gonna put something on the ground, bone or no bone.
Going up to pepin county only a couple miles away form one of the best hunting areas in the wisconsin/US at my uncles property 80 acres no has been up there for 20 years until last year when my uncle went bow hunting he said its one of those places that people spend 5 grand to shoot a deer so im preety pumped first time ill be up there putting out moc scrapes and trail cams i don't know what its going to be like but my uncle said he saw 12 bucks in one weekend in pre rut then saw nothing gun season so who knows hopen to see another monster so i can have 2 targets to shoot for but who knows