I'm here boys! I own a lawn care business and our fall push has started so its 15-16 hr days for me till i'm done in early october! I'm a BH.com pro staffer from central WI that will be hunting WI, ontario and probably IL this year. Already got a speed goat down in WY. I'm fine with anything you guys decide for team 12, captains, names, avitar etc. btw The number 12 is my old high school hockey number so I feel like that could be a good omen for us! Good luck to all and hunt safe! Lets put down some good ones!
October 1st can't come soon enough but for now I will be in a tree stand tomorrow morning in Northern Minnesota trying to bag a black bear. Too bad that doesn't count towards the point system haha. I have never been in this competition before. So are you only able to get points for two deer that you shoot? One buck and one ddoe? It's too bad you can't get little bonus points for squirrels and coyotes that you shoot with your bow during the season.
yeah if we got extra points for squirrels they would prob get put on the endangered species list. Yeah you only get points for the FIRST buck you shoot (so don't go shoot a spike, if you do and it scores less that 50 than you automatically get 50 points) and a doe. 50 points for the doe, and whatever your first buck scores = your points. So theoretically every team should get at least 600 points just for the does.
Mine starts the 17th and no I am not going to the new Lisbon shoot but i am from Watertown like you and shoot at the Watertown archers allot.
HEY! Will everyone PM me their email address. I have created an excel spreadsheet that will make it easier to calculate you bucks score for the contest. To be used you have to have Microsoft Excel. Can't ya tell I'm bored at work?
Well guy's my season starts today but won't be able to leave until tomm night to get set up for friday beings i have this four day weekend to hunt. So i'll up date if i drop anything. Team name is what everyone else wants it don't matter to me. Tommy also has my vote cuz he's always on here monitoring stuff.
Best wishes, Tony. Keep us up to date...especially since a few of us have nearly a month before our season opens. Travel safe and enjoy yourself. Craig
Our thread has fallen silent .. anyone got any new trail cam pics from this past week? Has anyone put together their hitlist for this year? any particular buck your chasing?' Just making small talk.