Awesome job you guys! I have seen a couple bucks chasing does so far but I think it is still a little early. I am slated to be off all next week from work and will hopefully be putting in some long hours in the stand! Good luck everyone!
Great job guys! Keep it up. I had a good weekend up north. Passed a couple small bucks and I saw a really big eight. They were all chasing does. The small eight I passed was about 20 yds. and just rumbleing for five minutes as he tended a doe. It was pretty cool to see and hear. Good luck everyone
@rkloehn - contest ends Jan. 15. @TEAM - I'm still chasing my doe tag also. I have decided to pull all my stands and start from scratch as all my deer have changed patterns. This weekend will give us our first FREEZE of the year so that should definately jump start the action around here! Good luck to all this weekend! Harness up and stay safe!
I went out yesterday evening in Central Illinois and saw 2 bucks and three does in a very short period of time. After tomorrow I am on vacation for a week and can not wait to put some long hours in the stand!
just got some snow in wisconsin things are definalty moving in wisconsin i was driving to school and in the middle of town a big 8 ran in the middle of the road by my highschool pretty cool to bad they wont run by my stand
Bow Hunter Beck, I would ask the principal if you can hang a stand off of the goal post lol. Just wear all yellow and you'll blend in perfect
Well guys I had a successful Sunday evening hunt. Smacked a nanny and got us 50 more points! That puts us passed 600 points! I'm tagged out for the contest so it is all about you guys now!! Keep me posted!!
nice work!!!!! us wisconsin boys have gun season this weekend for 9 days so we are probably out for a bit
We are currently in 5th place. With this waning moon phase the deer will be on their feet in day time hours!! Let's take advantage of this and post some points this weekend!! Good luck to all and stay safe!!
Don't forget guys in WI you can still use your bows now during gun season. I'll be out with my bow Sunday morning. Things have got to get better for me. I've been seeing deer on most sits and have had a few close calls. The deer are still rutting around here pretty good, but the winds have been crazy. Should be a good wekend, good luck guys.
its been pretty quiet around here! hows everyone's season going so far? I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!!! Good luck and Shoot Straight!
Hey lung I haven't been bow hunting much here as of late. I have got several deer in the freezer so my motivation to get out there and get cold is dwindling. I am however planning on hunting really hard this upcomming weekend for our 2nd shotgun season. I have seen quite a few brutes just haven't been given a shot! Good Luck Everyone!
i will be out later in season when snow flies for a doe. late season is unreal on our food plots by us. not unusual to see 25+ deer a sit
Sounds like I need to come up by you rkloehn and help take a deer. I rarely see anything once the multiple gun seasons pound the deer into nonhunted areas and become super nocturnal. There is only one more bow weekend free of gun hunters for the rest of the year. Too much gun season down here in CWD land!! Good luck guys!
sorry guys ive been out of buisness for the past couple of weeks i screwed up my back in the very first wrestling meet sorry i was no help good luck to to everyone hope you have better luck than me