In the Best things in Life thread, guys who post pictures of their hairy legs at the beach or the lake like they are some kind of wannabe teenage Instafamous model. You know who you are... Next rant will be from someone ranting about this post, who read this, curiosity and got the better of him , and now his eyes burn too.
Neighbor across the street either sold really quick or had some sort of rental decision. New occupants have moved in. Fully privacy fenced in back yard on a lot and a half, covered patio as well. Grill in the front driveway and party on the front porch. I need to take advantage of the housing market if I can, neighborhood changing over way to quick for my liking. 11 years ago was an elderly demographic, now they have moved in retirememt or died and switchover has commenced....
Those miserable bass turds got me again! Chased me about a 1/4 mile and every time I slowed down even a little ...Whammmmmm!!!!! Soaking in an Epsom salts bath and on fire. My butt,upper thighs both calves and my side. Hubby counted 8 stings and everyone is radiating fire with stabbing pain....I was having such a good day too...Thought I'd pick some black berries for hubby. I could have won Olympic gold in the 400 meter today.( I actually metal out range Woodstock ), I wrote, I actually nearly out ran Mr woodchuck, that I spooked out of the field I was running across.
Here's the funny thing, I was a bee keepers assistant never got stung, I have all the equipement. Gloves,hood,smoker,tools and a couple of hives I haven't decided to set yet. Ground bees, all I have to do is walk near them. It's like me and Deer flies. Could be with 50 people and I'm the one they attack. Never had a time they didn't chase me hundreds of yards stinging every chase they got. I'll be in actual pain for days now. I think they are worse since I lost weight. I think they are getting muscle now...
Several? 24 1/2 years in the Navy here. I've worn out so many bars in so many different countries that...... wait a minute..... wrong kind of bar. Nevermind.
OMG, I can't get comfortable, I'm glad I don't have allergies such as yours. May you always stay safe. I'm worried that attacks several times every year will trigger a bad reaction I won't be prepared for. The reactions are getting worse each time. I have a hole in my thigh from the attack a week or so ago. It didn't stop itching until a couple of days ago.
I'm sorry this happened. Again. Here's hoping you feel better soon. I know your forum name is oldnotdead, but obviously you're not old enough to have learned to watch where you're going. Just kidding Ma'am. Heal up soon.