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The rant thread...

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by buckeye, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. ash d

    ash d Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Upstate NY
    The guys that has it said the lifter failed. I think it happened last year actually. I was driving it to work and it went I think. I had it towed home and had my uncle come over to look at it. He said the noise was coming from the carb. He hammered the carb a couple times and the sound went away and I’ve been driving it since( on 7 cylinders it looks like). I was having new exhaust, tranny swap and new fuel tank put in and the guy that has it was going to change the valve cover gaskets as well. When he pulled them off that’s what he found. I’m telling you that car really didn’t miss a beat on 7 cylinders but it will be scary good when all 8 are hitting.
  2. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I hope the cam is good. They will know when they get the old lifters out.

    Good luck
  3. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Got up my financial courage today and headed down to a huge Chevy dealership to buy a new Silverado. Nope...they only have one in stock bc of the stupid chip issue. A 4 cylinder. Not gonna happen. F me.
    dnoodles likes this.
  4. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
  5. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    The local Chevy deal by work usually has 1000 vehicles on the lot, currently they are down under 250.
  6. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Chevy is what my son bought. I won't willingly buy a Chevy again. Screwed us royally on a truck transmission warrenty.
  7. wl704

    wl704 Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 25, 2012
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    greater-Charlotte NC
    But, surely somebody tried to contact you about your vehicle warranty...
    axtell343 likes this.
  8. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Actually I went to them 2 weeks before warranty ran out. I told them that there was something seriously wrong with the transmission. Noise,slippage,jumping. They took the truck in and a week later said nothing was found wrong. They noticed none of it. Few days after warranty was up,BTW I made them sign and date with my complaints their results before I would pay them, tranny seized up completely.
    Then they refused to let me talk to regional managers. They'd give zero info. I tried corporate and they wouldn't let me through to anyone ect, ect, ect...
  9. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Since I own a storage unit building I installed a mail slot in the door of the residence for people to drop off their payments. It has been working well for us until now. It seems that my wife's cats have picked up the annoying habit of shredding and chewing to bits the envelopes and the checks they contain. Why now? I will now have to install an internal box to catch these envelopes and keep them safe from her demons! I'll have to act quickly before someone drops off an envelope of cash. The one lady was kind enough to drop off a new check. It is always something with these little terrorists. I've already had to install child proof locks on all the cupboard doors in the kitchen and bathroom or else they get in there and throw everything out.

    The buggers have all day to conjure up new ways to screw with me. Lol
    TJF likes this.
  10. opossumhunterNC

    opossumhunterNC Die Hard Bowhunter

    Apr 25, 2019
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    I made my own replacement poles for a couple blinds a few years back. I used those fiberglass driveway markers/snowplow poles for one and fiberglass tree stakes for the other. You will need to measure the diameter of the factory poles to figure out which type you need to use because different blinds use different diameter poles. The orange driveway markers you can get at Lowe’s/Home Depot/Tractor Supply were almost an exact match for one of the blinds I had (5/16” I think?). The other blind had poles on the sides that were slightly thicker than the first one and it used really thick ones on the roof hub. I think on that one I used fiberglass stakes/fence poles from tractor supply for the sides. (3/8” maybe?)
    And for the thicker top poles I ordered some tree stakes from somewhere online (11/16” if I remember correctly).;pg109108.html

    Once you get the right diameter poles take one of the non-damaged poles off the blind to use as a template. Keep in mind that on some blinds the poles for the roof are a different length then the poles on the side so make sure that the one you are using as a template is the same length as the broken one. A hack saw with a metal blade makes short work of cutting the fiberglass poles. When you are determining how long to make them remember to take into account that the fiberglass pole will probably be a little shorter than the finished length since one end goes into a metal ferrule and usually doesn’t extend all the through the ferrule since a bolt has to go through the ferrule to attach it to the hub (at least that’s how it was on the ones I had).

    As far as the metal ferrules that go on the end of the pole where it attaches to the hub, both blinds had them glued onto the poles, but one of them used some type of glue that I was able to soften with the heat gun enough that I could just pull them off the broken poles and reuse them. The other blind used some sort of glue that made them almost impossible to remove. I was able to get one out by breaking, chipping, drilling and scraping the fiberglass out of the ferrule, but it was a huge pain in the ass and took forever. That one had 7 broken poles so I ended up making my own ferrules out of a piece of steel tubing that I cut into pieces the same length as the old ones then drilled a through hole into them where the bolt goes. For attaching the metal ferrules to the fiberglass poles I used a 2-part epoxy on both the homemade ferrules as well as the ones I removed from the broken poles. I recommend that you put the ferrule on whichever end of the pole that you cut with the hacksaw because the it kind of pulls at and frays some of the fibers a little bit and doesn’t make the squarest cut compared to the factory end so having it inside the metal ferrule with epoxy should hold any frayed fibers together and keep it from spreading up the pole.

    The other end of the poles that’s opposite of the hub just gets inserted into a little reinforced pocket sown into the fabric on both of the blinds I fixed and there is a little rubber piece that slips over that end of the pole to protect the fabric. On both of my blinds those were just slipped onto the end of the factory fiberglass pole without any glue so I was able to just pull them off the old poles and slip them right onto the new ones I made.

    I know that sounds complicated but it’s actually pretty easy once you get started. It took me around 2 hours start to finish to do everything even though I was kind of inventing the process as I went. And that was for making 2 roof poles and 5 wall poles for one blind, and 3 wall poles for the other blind, plus I ended up making one spare pole in each of those 3 sizes and I had to cut and drill 8 homemade ferrules for the ones that I couldn’t get off the old poles. They’ve been out for about 3 years (or 13 does and 5 bucks, depending on how you measure time in the deer woods) since I did it and they’re still holding up fine and they will almost certainly outlast the fabric. Also, those fiberglass markers and tree stakes are a really close, if not exact, match to the factory poles in terms of flex and strength so the blinds aren’t the least bit caddywhompus and the hubs pop in and out exactly the same as they did before. My guess is that’s because fiberglass poles are pretty much all the same regardless of intended use as long as they’re the same thickness.

    I think the final cost worked out to be like $3-5 per wall pole and like $7 each for the roof poles compared to the $25-40 rhino blinds and primos were charging for replacements.

    Next time I am out there I will snap some photos of the ones I made and post them on here. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
    oldnotdead likes this.
  11. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    I did this and I ordered 500D material to fix some Tipton 're b Linda, (I literally typed, rips in blind )wow!.
    WAY cheaper than a new purchase. I do plan on installing a 2x2 frame and wrapping with water proof material. I like the latest blind I made that was individual wall sections that I fitted and screwed together and then made a roof that fit over framed walls and got screwed to walls. Material is cheaper and lighter than wood. I've never had a 2x2 frame warp.
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  12. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Stupid Virginia is in the middle of a 100 million dollar unemployment fraud scheme in regards to the CARES act money. Spineless officials just letting people walk in without any proof of residency or name and claim money and "ebt" type credit cards that are loaded bi monthly. What an incredible waste of money at the taxpayers expense. I'm sure no bureaucrat will be held accountable and fired.
    dnoodles likes this.
  13. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    No surprise and won't be when it is a theme across the country
  14. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Gambling that UPS will actually deliver the package next day that they certainly will charge for.
  15. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    How to shoot your agenda in the foot. In that the gov. wants to restrict your right to own a gun. One criteria to be mental stability or as it were instability....Though they put out a "woke " video for CIA recruitment, where the female agent claims to have mental instability issues...Hhhmmmm are agents no longer required to be fire arm ready and able? JC the stupidity! Hope she retires well before
    Sota likes this.
  16. opossumhunterNC

    opossumhunterNC Die Hard Bowhunter

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Yes but think of how much environment you would be able to save by driving that 4 cylinder! You could even use your imagination and pretend that you were driving a Prius with a truck bed on the back.
    cantexian and virginiashadow like this.
  17. opossumhunterNC

    opossumhunterNC Die Hard Bowhunter

    Apr 25, 2019
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    For years my phone has annoyed me by replacing f**k with duck. I just noticed that sometime during one of the past updates they must’ve disabled that feature which is nice, thanks for that. Unfortunately autocorrect has that algorithm that learns how you type and apparently mine has now decided it should replace duck with f**k. I imagine that might cause some problems for me once hunting season comes around….

    On a somewhat unrelated note… who’s looking forward for this years f**k hunting season?
  18. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    I don't know where to put this, but this guy is legit!

  19. cls74

    cls74 Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 11, 2008
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    Springfield, IL
    Abdominal pain!!

    3rd time in two years or so intense abdominal pain. Last 2 times it put me in the ER with undiagnosed after 2 cat scans and the last one had a Hida-scan as Cat scan showed a distended gallbladder. Determined normal.

    Trying not to make it a 3rd. Ugh been fetal position since 5:30 aside from 3 hot showers, only thing that seems to help. Last one I emptied the water heater.....
  20. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Go to the hospital. Take it from one hard headed moron to another.
    cantexian, TJF and dprsdhunter like this.

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