Hhhmmmm. ....So this really isn't a rant and to me could go in the best things in life.... My mother in law passed today after nearly 2 decades of battling Alzheimer's. Diagnosed when she was my age and was 82. Forced to retire early from teaching. In care for over 15 yrs. GOD Bless her and the family, my kids are in bad shape right now. The only grand kids she really got to know and they were together a lot during the summers and ski season. She had such a fear of this very long journey so today is a very big blessing for all concerned
Back in the day it was over 1500 each for our kids..Th e n daughter had to have them done again as an adult.
After insurance pays a good amount, like 4k a kid. And I have another one that will get them soon as well. Hi...I'm gonna work 40 hrs of OT a month. Life is good! Lol
You have my sympathies and condolences. My family is going through the same thing with my grandmother. It is difficult for those who have not dealt with it to understand. It really is the best for everyone when the end comes. Prayers for peace for you and your family.
Four years of applying for an elk tag in New Mexico and never getting drawn. Kiss my ass. I'll never spend another dime with ya again.
OK scary cat that I've been this past year...I'm SICK OF MASKS! Really ! will have 2 nd shot. Sat., lost two morbidity Issues, still distancing and cleaning. I lost my one mask somewhere and had to buy another due to bunnies job mask suffocating me. Fashion be damned, I'm not wasting $$ on something I will rarely use in the future. Turkey season is almost here...I bought a nice camo mask. You know gyms still closed here! Went in to see if my old gym had any price specials. No, they can only have their rehab patients use the equipement. So over this entire ****e show.
SOB I guess I finally paid attention at the liquor store the price changed because I usually have exact change. I thought the Platinum was on sale. Nope the GD whipper snappers started giving me a senior discount, I am only 54, kinda offended. I am more thrifty than offended and will take the discount.