This is from my prior rant. For some reason I can get on the forum by using my Iphone and it’s cellular data. Other desktop and IPad it won’t load. All other websites work fine, anybody know what the heck is going on? I reset everything and cleared all, Reset the router and still nothing. Any ideas would be great
Sounds like you're hitting the filter we use to keep the Deplorables out. What happens on your other devices? Are you getting an error message of some sort? Just a blank screen?
Got home from work last night and had to fix the garage door opener so the wife could put her car in. Up at 5 AM this morning fixing a hinge on the " new " medicine cabinet that magically fell apart according to the wife as she was getting ready for work. I am starting to think she breaks things cause she finds me sexy fixing them. Last week it was fix the furnace, oil change on her car and do the dishes for her. I feel used !!
I watched a few innings of spring ball the past week. The commercial that promoted MLB's morning talk show featured about three different players flipping their bat in showboat style. The manager should make them flip their bat when they ground into a double play or strike out.
If your landline internet isn’t working and your cell data is that’s usually because the NSA installed a new wire tap on your internet connection or phone line. Often that causes your modem/WiFi to freak out and quit working since the surveillance device wasn’t present when your router first initialized and established its connection to the internet. Usually all you need to do is re-boot it and it’ll automatically configure itself so it is able to communicate with both the govt’s monitoring equipment and with the internet at the same time. Just unplug your modem and WiFi router, wait 15 seconds, plug them back in, and give it a minute or 2 to start up and it should start working again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Hopefully I'm boring my NSA agent to death. I'm on a webinar with a former Liberty Mutual adjuster about policy language, code coverage and the supplemental process. You should know just how riveting this stuff is!?
Insurance in general isn’t exactly the most exciting thing to deal with and life insurance is basically what you get when you take the most boring aspects of insurance and combine them with the most boring aspects of banking/finance. Liberty mutual is one of the best companies there is when it comes to life insurance coverage and they will definitely do right by you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro