May not be a bad idea to go get another x-ray. Years back I slipped inside a walk in freezer. Went and got x-rays and just bruised. 2 weeks later I sneezed and had similar pain to what you described. Went in and 2 were fractured, probably cracked and didn't show on x-ray but the sneeze spread them enough to semd that crack through. Hell, I even went canoeing between the two events with only mild discomfort
I actually had my yearly checkup scheduled for today (had it scheduled before this came up). My doc told me it’s likely Costochondritis which is “An inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breast or backbone. The cause usually isn't known. In some circumstances, it develops after trauma or a muscle strain.” Told me to keep heat on it at all times if I can. Today was a lot better than yesterday and this time around it’s a lot less severe than last December. Last year it felt like someone was actually stabbing me every time I moved. This time it’s a dull pain mostly, with the slight stabbing when I lay down, bend over, or sit down (bending at my torso). Give it a few more days and I’ll be back in the saddle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have been dealing with that off and on since falling off a ladder on Thanksgiving. I have found that taking a Curcumin supplement really helps knock down the inflammation. It is usually the worst first thing in the morning after sleeping on my side all night.
Cutting back on inflammatory foods (sugars, veg oil, processed meats, trans fat, alcohol, gluten/refined carbs, etc) and upping omega3, vit d, and anti oxident foods may incrementally help also.
This madness!!! Ordered a key fob for the 4runner. This is how you get it into programming mode. What mother lovin engineer comes up with this?? Really though, someone smarter than me tell me there is a logical computer magical fairy dust reason for such a process.. I truly want to know.. Is there no simpler way to let the computer know you want it to program a remote? The instructions I followed are: To get into programming mode-- Remove the key from the ignition. Unlock all doors. Open driver's side door. Put key in ignition and remove it. Put key in ignition and remove it. Close and open the driver's side door. Close and open the driver's side door. Put key in ignition and remove it. Close and open the driver's side door. Close and open the driver's side door. Put key in ignition. Close driver's side door. Turn key to ON position (but do not start the engine) Turn key back to OFF. Remove key. At this point, your locks should lock and unlock automatically. If they didn't, repeat the steps.
Or up up down down left right left right select start. If nothing else it will get you 30 lives for Contra
All the natural gas users that are paying the price for the sins of Texas. So glad I burn propane instead.
^^^ I run both natural gas and propane. In the long run, natural gas is always cheaper. It may be temporarily reversed right now but it won't last. I remember a few years back when there was a shortage of propane and the price shot up to over $6/gal. LP companies were buying it back from the farmers to get it to homeowners so they could have heat.
I buy at summertime low prices and pay within 10 days to get the discount. The only thing that I use propane for is the back up furnace (never gets used) and the gas fireplace. Plus natural gas is not an option for me.