The government and all the other motherf**kers who wanna tell me how I am supposed to think, believe, say, and act. But particularly the government because unlike the others who just wanna dictate how I live and think, the government thinks it should get to dictate how I live and think and then it turns around and expects me to turn over half my paycheck for the privilege.
The current political climate and especially the "democrats". The gloves are off and they are full blown spitting on the Constitution every chance they get. While not being a huge Star Wars nerd or anything, it really pi**es me off what happened to Gina Carano. It's the principal of the whole thing. She makes a twitter to the effect of " Being a conservative these days is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany". Yes it pretty outlandish. Yes it probably hurt some feelers. Did it really hurt anyone? Incite violence? No. Disney fired her. 1st Amendment is null and void in the country now apparently? The left is flat out embracing Communist thinking without even trying to hide it anymore.
I get that it’s winter and it’s Minnesota... but I can’t ever remember it being this cold for this long of a stretch. I’m over it now. Bring on spring. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Could be worse...donchaknow I'm glad I moved South ~35 yrs ago. Funny story though... I did a project in Chicago a number of years ago. I would do morning calls with my team in India as I walked to the office each morning. I recall one morning it was about - 20 with windchill, but I was layered up. The guys in India couldn't even conceive living in those kind of conditions, let alone believe I was walking to the office...
Your retort should have been how many people can you cram on a bus or a train...can't image living under those conditions.
People who call, repeatedly, and leave no message. See them days later, "hey, you didn't call me back". I guess if it wasn't important enough to leave a message, it was not important enough for me to call you back.
30 below starting the day off tomorrow. Real feel at this point... the air is already hurting my face at 30 below. Can't be much worse !!!!! Replacing electrical outlets in this old house today... 1. Outer wall - pull cover off,,, glass beading ( insulation ) pouring out. Remove outlet... glass beading pouring out faster. Put wad of caulking on finger and shove it in the little hole. Smear around. Pull finger out... caulking still stuck on finger but now glass beads stuck on that. Repeat with more caulking on finger. Same result. Repeat... repeat and finally success. Glass beading flowing out another hole. SOB !!!! 2. Inner wall - Pull cover off. Loosen up old outlet. Pull on outlet. Comes out of the wall 1/4 inch. Cuss out past electrician or previous owner to whom it may apply. A 1/2 inch of extra wire is to much to ask !!! Bastard !!!! 3. Inner wall, outlet # 3 - Apparently there were two Electricians or the owner had a friend. The one saw what the other had done on previous outlet and said challenge accepted !! Pull cover off. Loosen outlet. Pull... no movement... pull harder... nothing... wedge screw driver in and get 1/8 inch out from wall. Shine head lamp in hole. WTF !!! Get glasses. Look in again. 3 sets of wires going to outlet. 1 set on bottom ( power )... 2 sets on top. F me !! Took some time but got it replaced. 4. Two outlets to go. Inner wall and outer. Tomorrow's problem.
Yeah that sucks dealing with janky electrical work, the floating box in the wall. That evidently was the tactic that was used to put in most of the outlets in my old place.
I feel your pain TJF. I've chased electrical problems for many years. By code there is supposed to be 6" of wire able to protrude from the box. There could be many reasons why they didn't do so. None of them valid. My bar is full of sh1t like that and I'm still sorting it out. Best one is why the pull chain for the speeds on a ceiling fan turns on a wall mounted exhaust vent in the smokers room when it is pulled to position 3. Be careful when pulling on the wires so you don't break the old insulation and short the wire to the box. Then you might have some real fun. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
I was looking to see if my kids schools would be open tomorrow and went to the county webpage. Started seeing tweets, facebook stuff, and everything else. I see the same thing with the county government I work for and all other types of things. Why cant people just quietly go about their business and work? I dont need to know every detail. Just teach. Just police. Just do IT work. I dont care about all the fluff and vanity. It is making our world worse. Not more transparent, just more vain.
I was very, very careful when pulling. Checked everything to make sure that didn't happen before tightening the outlet down. Best one for me was when I installed a light fixture to an existing ceiling fan in the living room. The fan wobbled a tiny at high speed without the light but not too bad. After putting the light on, it was horrible on high speed. Pulled the base cover off the fan to find he had anchored the fan base to 2 wooden laths just laying across the hole. The sheet rock was the only thing holding it up. I think the guy watched a few too many Red Greene shows.
Greg, ever have the joy of doing work on one of the old trailer houses that they wired with aluminum wiring? First thing I thought of when reading about outlets with only 2" of wire at the box. When first out of high school I worked as an apprentice electrician for a while before taking a different career path. Saw some pretty crazy things. Worst was a remodel, they had gutted it to the studs and we were hired to run some new circuits. When they tore the plaster/lathe off in the living room there was a spot where someone had made a splice in the wall, no box/access. It was just twisted together with a wrap of tape around it. The stud was charred black for a foot in both directions around it. Absolutely amazing it hadn't burned down. Have to wonder if the previous owners ever walked around wondering where the smell was coming from.
^^^ I am not a fan of aluminum wire for various reasons. I've had the most problems with the direct burial feeder cables. If the insulation gets nicked it is only a matter of time before it will fail. If I have to use it, I run it in PVC conduit to help protect it even further. I have 4 underground feeds at my bar. 2 feeds to outbuildings and 2 feeds to the bar. So far I have had to replace 3 of the feeds because of blow outs in the insulation. I've got my fingers crossed on the 4th feed. At least I have my own backhoe and the knowledge of how to do the repair. Wire isn't all that cheap these days.