Me? My Expedition? Nah, that's too tall to even get in the garage. Issue isn't the roads per se, it's the extra time on them due to idiots who don't know how to drive on them. Would turn what would normally be a 3-ish hour total trip into a 5 hour drive. No joke.
The day before thanksgiving and there are flocks of turkeys in front of all my trail cameras. A fall turkey season sure would be nice...
Need to move. Back in August, the morning of my surgery I mowed. Found a hypodermic and spoon in the alley on my property line with the neighbor. Tonight, someone pulls up and parks in front of my house. Happens all the time, no big deal. Hell, it's Thanksgiving and several houses have extra cars. Watch the security cams cycle and every now and then see a flash and other times the dome light comes on and off. Kill the light and look out door window, can see a lighter being lit, all too frequent to be a cigarette. Either smoking one hits or rock, not sure which. Flip on the outside light and leave it on for about 15 seconds, then flio it off. Still there, grab my binos and watch them. Lighter lights and goes towards the mouth of the driver, happens a couple times then the dome light comes on. Go to safe and grab the .45 as I'm not confronting anyone unarmed. Get back to window and see a thick curly haired male raise up a miror and start snorting a line. At this point I had had it, flipped on the porch light, opemed the door ad their brake lights lit up. Stepped outside with gun to side and asked them to take their bullchit on down the road. They took off without lights on and stupidly used turn signal at the intersection when they got to it. Never brandished it or pointed at them, but I'll be damned if someone is going to sit in front of my house getting their fix on. They weren't on my property, but I was so no worries on my part about exiting armed.
Recreational marijuana is now legal here in IL, I figured it would not be a high, no pun intended, priority call and they would be gone before they showed up. Still illegal to DUI, but I just wanted them to move along
I had to check my inner peace self last night on the way home from hunting. I guess the guy in the left lane of the two way highway that was driving 5 miles an hour below the speed limit, and driving side by side with the car in the right lane, didn't like me getting 3 car lengths from his rear end to let him know Id like to pass. For 10 miles on an old 2 lane highway the guy held up traffic bc of a little temper tantrum. I started feeling like I was 25 years old again and was devising ways to cut him off, rip him out of his car, and smacking his face 33 times. But after 3 mins of being seriously pissed, I got into the right lane and just turned on the music. An entire line of other cars had to deal with the same misery for several more miles and were ticked. What a complete and utter ahole.
Going to another hometown funeral on Wednesday my best friend from high school his mom, lost his Dad to brain cancer when we were in college his mom was in hospice for over a year in memory care. I will never forget when I was a senior in high school had a girlfriend that lived in Wisconsin both her parents and mine were going to be gone and I was headed over. My friend's mom called me and said do not go be smart. I did not go and that gal had 2 kids out of wedlock. Thank you Pat, much respect.
Annual Dr. check up. My rant...... fasting for a 10:30 AM blood work appointment. Should have scheduled a lot earlier.
Man I hate that. When I was younger I didn't care about the fasting rules for physicals. Now as I get older I actually want an accurate blood screen so I follow them. Haha.
Sucks but, apparently you haven't had the joy of a midday colonoscopy yet...IMHO worse (no food, ****ting your brains out, waking up to **** your brains out, no morning coffee, no food)
As somebody who is still younger I consider the test a challenge and try and achieve the highest scores possible. Particularly since health insurance forces me to spend $150 every year for a “free” annual physical. My strongest performance is in the pressure, cholesterol, sodium, triglyceride, and blood sugar events. My preparation routine is usually a late dinner consisting of a ribeye, Mac-and-cheese, and mashed potatoes and gravy (w/ extra gravy) then a carton of blue bell ice cream for dessert the night before and then the morning of I’ll make myself a big breakfast burrito with bacon, sausage, country ham, fried chicken skin, and a few over easy eggs then wash it down with 3-4 big cups of coffee w/ cream & sugar and then finally a couple slices of cheese cake for breakfassert.
There is an upside to this. You can have a drink or 2 the night before and still meet the 12 hour fast rule.
Had an annual check up last month with blood work. The only time slot they supposedly had open with my doctor for the rest of 2020 was at 1:30pm. Figured if I was going to spend my time going through it I wanted accurate test results. That day sucked.
This may belongs in who gets the virus first ,but I'm freaking RANTING!!!! 1.) The school is now rampant with virus, thank heavens due to the flue last year DIL and son said home school only. Found out that his teacher has been battling it. 2.) DIL mother is a cook at school and not even staff are allowed to know unless students need notifying, several have been posative and ill plus principal and 1 student. So our neighbor is in a 2 week lock down with family because their live in grandaughters teacher has it. Now this is my rant!!! Hubby calls, company office staff member got it. Got tested a week before TG and continued working. Hacking up a lung. Owner told NO ONE! Disregarded field staff in 60s and their workers' , but worse knowing one with a seriously ill spouse under immune killing treatments. They finally told him. We can only assume they didn't want to pay for testing or quarantine pay for those exposed at work . Thus spreading it. WTH!!!!