Especially as I've gotten older the $ is less important than the aggrevation. Tbss (too bad, so sad) idgaf.
Or do it for the original quote but make sure the contract has in fine print that it is for materials only, no installation. He is retired, he should have plenty of time available to install a roof.
I was poking Okie to see where he would change his mind. I absolutely doubt it would be at 2x cause I agree with Bill. Not worth it!
Yeah, firing a customer and then getting back with them never works out, stick with your gut. And yes, I did in fact learn that the hard way once upon a time.
My rant....... Backyard builders or any trade for that matter. Wife wanted a garage door opener installed before winter. With the warm weather it was now or never. Got the opener home and ready to install. Wouldn't you know, my building had some backwoods construction done. I had to make custom brackets in order to install the opener. I shouldn't be surprised seeing how I worked in the installation department at my company for the last 15 years before I retired. Anyway, that took extra time. Next, after almost an hour of trying to align the safety sensors, I finally found one of the wires came out of the terminal. The cause: Old eyes ....... I did it to myself! That was a long day.
Safety sensors?? Mount those b***hes on the ceiling about 3 inches apart from each other and you’ll never have to mess with them again.
Warm weather during the rut sucks... only thing I’ve seen all evening is a couple pope and young class mosquitos.
In shorts and flip flops mowing the grass for the last time. Tried to arrange it run the mower pretty much out gas for the winter storage. Got done and seen the kid was having trouble with the diseal tractor and drove to the bridge to help him. Mower runs out of gas right on the bridge, sob Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Football games cant have coin tosses before the game because it puts the players too close. My hs daughters bball games will probably not allow a jump ball. Think about that. What kind of damn idiots think like this crap?
We will not have a jump ball in Michigan. Think wrestling, which is more crazy. 1. Where a mask 2. Must have new mask each match 3. Must have a different mask when not wrestling. 4.if mask comes off match will be stopped and then restarted. I sit as a parent wondering just to forego my sons basketball season, do I cost him 25% of his HS career? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They do realize players are grabbing each other, breathing on each, spitting mist on each other...and on and on. Yet no coin tosses or jump balls. How absolutely stupid. Illogical to the max, yet we just follow along with the idiotic decisions. I hate it.
Imagine how they must feel trying to figure out how to end it. How do you turn something that was so political into something that can be full ignore within the first quarter. Nobody changes a thing, yet everything changes. Trump's vaccine cannot be trusted, how can the Dems ever use it? Farce, I'll stand behind that statement.
I fought for my kid to play, at some point I am going pick the fights that matter. If someone egg head feels better about not having a jump ball so be it. I ran a league in Ohio for kids. Simple rules, two tickets per player and wear a mask if you wish. 6 weeks 12 games and 8 teams and 0 covid cases. As my shirts says #justletthemplay Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You must have missed ND and Clemson. They had coin toss and a mob scene at game end when ND beat Clemson
Figured I was wasting my time sitting in the deer stand because of the wind, I was right saw 2 does and as hard as I tried to get the cross hairs on one of them it was too dark.