All is super quite here on the western front of Oklahoma-stan. Took the wife out to the farm house along with my sister when we lost electric in the City. Came back up last night to rough it.. with the generator. Trees down everywhere, earliest icestorm I can remember and with the trees still having all their leaves it is not helping. The good news, going to have a whole lot more light in the backyard.. the giant Hackberry even lost big limbs as well as the oaks, loblolly and the redbuds are toast. Linemen are pure studs. 282K houses without electric and these guys are working out in this miserable crap weather like its a normal day. I'm all set up for when they arrive on my block to make bacon and egg sandwiches and brew coffee for those guys.
When you are in a curtain blind, sitting eye level with the water's surface on a 25 degree windy day and you have rain coming at you from above and sea spray coming at you from the side then it is totally worth it. There are plenty of things that can keep you warm and dry in those weather conditions, but its the only stuff I found that can do that and still giving you enough freedom of movement to allow you to swing around and hit a fast teal or a dive bombing redhead when you are crammed inside a 2.5' wide X 3' long metal box with one or two other guys.
Not going to have to worry about calling an arborist for a few years. This is looking down the streets around the house. Looks like pecan picking just got a little easier up front.
A long time ago, I used to hunt the migratory birds. Kinda crowded where I'm at, and would require a substantial investment to upfit gear. But the Sitka gear I've got has been very good. Moisture, warmth and wind management are clutch. The sandwiching of the goretex helps with the noise, while giving good mobility as you said. And totally worth it. I could see buying a lot more and maybe some HH rain gear, if I were to hunt Alaska, PNW or Canada.
Having grown up in Canada just across the border from the PNW, I can tell you that if it is not at least partially Gore-Tex, you are not staying dry and you will only get more wet the further north you go. I have an REI Gore-Tex jacket that my parents gave me when I went to college. If it is pouring rain and I want to hunt or fish, I am putting that on over top of any other hunting layers. Fortunately, the jacket is a couple of different shades of green that actually look quite natural. Maybe Sitka is that good, I do not own any, so I cannot say.
Cheaper than Dirt ammo is anything but cheap. They do a better job than most at keeping stuff in stock but in terms of cost, I have never found any ammo on there that I couldn’t get elsewhere for far less, particularly once you factor in their shipping.
It really is that good. I wore their mid weight waterproof bibs and jacket to go offshore fishing on a rough, rainy, cold, early April one time because I couldn’t find my grundéns and it kept me just as dry as the grundéns even though that isn’t what they were designed for. It was way warmer for the ride out and back too plus it was kind of nice not feeling like I was wearing the Michelin man as clothing.
Fwiw-Goretex owns/makes sitka. I've heard the HH pvc stuff is also good for external water, but really not practical if you're exerting as it won't vent perspiration/body humidity...
I did not know that. I always that the Sitka was probably overpriced, but, if that is the case, the price seems more reasonable.
I still have the original Sitka Gear, the best stuff I have worn in the rain while hunting. Yes, it's pricey I got it at cost when I worked for Cabelas.
Had a management meeting today, had to go to the big guy's favorite mexican restaurant. Sitting thru the last half hour of the 2 hour meeting and something that is in you really needs to get out, dang near had the brown alert.
Ok, so knowing you, I didn't try to drink anything while I read your response. My keyboard and desk are still dry!
I have a set of River's West camo for the waterproofing it provides. It is outstanding for keeping you completely dry, but it is like the HH pvc stuff wl just described. It absolutely doesn't breath, so if your doing much you sweat your guts out.
Still no electric. Slept past the time I needed to get up and add gas to the generator, so my one heated room is a little on the 45° side. So the next time one if y'alls wife's say "we don't need a generac at this house, we're moving anyway.." Wait for a cold spell and go cut the power at the main. The things are cheap enough that everybody should have one, take my word for it as a guy who has some natural gas leases.
Yes, I love mine and hooked right to the natural gas line. The only thing does not run the AC in the summer.
Misuse of the word Agile in IT projects. Either deliver a project using an Agile methodology... Or Go faster... They aren't the same.
Local Fox 9 morning news in the 9:00 hour the talking heads wearing halloween costumes. Adults especially at work wearing costumes grow up. Halloween like christmas is for children.
So how pathetic has this country become? They can mail or ship christmas packages on time but not a ballot? WI and PA?