The last big buck my dad shot was in the snow back on the old farm in Missouri. It was about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and he was hunting on the other side of the ridge from me. I heard him shoot and looked up to see a nice buck out in front of me so I shot him, made sure he was down and went to check on my dad. The side of the ridge he hunted was a clear-cut for the powerlines, I came out of the woods about 200 yards from him and could see him standing over the buck. Caught the old top getting a little misty eyed, he said it was just about as perfect hunt as he'd ever had. Just as the snow stated to taper off the buck stepped out at 80 yards broadside and he dropped him with the 7mag. The buck measured out at 179" and was by far the biggest buck my dad had ever shot.
Can’t we go back to the days when all police cars were Crown Victoria’s with 3 big antennas. I just spent an hour driving slow as crap thinking the car in front of me was a state trooper. Finally somebody else popped the cheery on passing it so I passed too. It was a little old lady.
Drove inside the 494 694 loop today to go to the son's house to paint more than 4 hours driving. Going to have 3 CBD gummys and a couple fingers of skrewball.
Watching TV coverage of all the fires out west first thought do not miss it one bit but what pisses me off is how they lied to us, told us all the crap we inhaled and sleeping spiked out on the line wearing our nomex and kevlar for days sometimes weeks would flush out in 2 weeks after our detail, never mind the times we extended another week. They also told us to wear eye protection when using foam that was it. I worked 20 years 3 of the people I worked with during that time have lung cancer. 1 guy retired 3 weeks ago found out he had lung cancer last week.
It wouldn't be a Sunday project if it didn't require me to drive all over hell's half acre to all three big box home improvement stores.. With an extra trip for an even exchange return thrown in for extra credit.
That foam is a real problem in my area. It has escaped the manufacturers grounds and contaminated the ground water for several miles. My property currently sit on the edge of the watch zone.
Hahaha... if anybody is having a ****ty Monday... just remember that at least you aren’t a possum with its head stuck in a bottle. He certainly worked hard to earn his Darwin Award.
I was at my buddies farm outside Fayetteville NC this weekend and all their wells have that Gen X stuff that DuPont used to make non-stick pans and fire putting out foam. It is pretty messed up because their contamination level meets the threshold to get a point of use reverse osmosis system installed but they’re just barely below the threshold for getting the whole house RO system installed and their contamination level has been increasing every year. If they accept the settlement now and get the point-of-use system it’s a one and done thing so they won’t be able to go back and get them to install the whole house system once their level of contamination exceeds that threshold. So they gotta decide whether they want to go ahead and get the little one on their kitchen sink now or keep drinking the **** for a few more years until it gets contaminated enough for them install the proper system.
Yea, this is PFOS and PFAS. The worst is in the underground water. That should be heading east of me. They have found this stuff virtually all over the place even on farm fields that had papermill sludge dumped on them. Everyone was thinking they were doing something good for the soil. Turns out-not. Being on the outside of the zone is good and bad. Bad because I will have to pay $500 out of my own pocket to get my well tested. Bad because there is no set level for this stuff yet. Bad because there is no set level, the company that made this stuff can't be fined for the contamination even though their permit to test chemicals says that they must contain them and dispose of in a hazardous waste facility.
Ironically the Gen-X stuff was created to replace PFOS and PFAS but apparently it isn't any better and may even be worse. The pollution the gen-x plant is releasing is actually airborne (until it rains), so they get to breathe it and they get to drink it. There isn't really much recourse either because the company doing the pollution isn't actually Dupont, its a separate company that Dupont owns called Chemors. They basically said that they'll pay to install filters for people, but if they ever get sued for anything substantial then Dupont is just going to create a different subsidiary, dump all the chemors assets into it, and let it dissolve into bankruptcy so that there isn't anything left to sue for and then they will stop giving people water filters. Basically an extortion scheme where if the people who live there don't shut up and let them pollute in peace they're going to stop helping people filter their chemical pollution our of the drinking water.
If you are a politician trying to get elected, and, you try to get cute by writing a “personal hand -written note,” you should be smart enough to check public records and get my wife’s name correct. If you cannot, you are not fit to hold elected office. Also, if your party is the advocate’s of climate change, why are you killing trees to make paper for political ads that just go in the trash? Idiots, all of them. Normally, these ads go straight to the trash, this one gets special treatment for special stupidity.
The candidates don't send them out or even personally approve a lot of the crap. If they did personally approve their political mail, then we would know it because all of Biden's stuff would include a scratch and sniff section that smells like ladies and children.
If the candidates are not capable of hiring smarter people to assist with campaigning, who are they going to hire if elected? That is an uncomfortable thought.
Only in Minnesota do I have to rent a trailer to get the pontoon out and in storage, drop off the trailer and pick up my snowblower because I am going to need it this weekend.