My 3 year old started preschool this year. I asked him what his favorite part of the day was after his first day and all he says is "girls".
Couple weeks back I was laughing because I was having my dock taken out by a guy so I did not care how cold the water was getting. Yeah just got the call the guy's wife is on bedrest for preterm labor and he will be unable to pull my dock.
A few years ago I ordered a field dressing tool and accidentally picked my office as the delivery address. As luck would have it that package got mixed in with a bunch of business shipments so somebody opened it. It also happened to be my day off which meant all my employees (none of them hunters) had a full day to speculate on what I was going to use it for. The tool: As far as purchases that non-hunters wouldn’t understand... that is pretty damn high on the list.
Found a company not far from the office that sells air bags. Put one under the end of the dock inflate and the front of the dock floats, I won't even get my feet wet.
THIS is the sort of content I come to this site for! This right here! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't take internet "tough guys" lightly He keeps bringing up where I drank my piss, he's wrong and I will retort when he lies. Easy enuff? No, Sota, I did not mention showing up at your home?, did you read that somewhere? And yes, you DID send me a private message and the wording was "I bet we could be friends".
Here's your chance Sota. I can and WILL come down and visit you anytime.. I told you this BS will not end well for you.
normally, I love me some Meat Eater. But this article is so...stupid. Most egregious- I have never, ever heard anyone in my life say that a .223 is an adequate deer round. Ever. It's illegal in most states, and while sure it will kill a deer nobody north of Tampa FL would say that it's anything close to good deer round.
@bucksnbears, I strongly suggest you stop and just let this go before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole than you are already in.
I can most definitely assure you a .223 will slay deer. Very very effectively. I have shot a pile of deer with one and have never had a single one go more than 80 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is much more efficient than clicking “View” and then clicking “Slide Show”. It does look a lot like the proper level of grounds to put in a percolator pot though. I’ll never look at that button the same way again.
can it? Sure. But I'd hardly say it was "synonymous with deer hunting". Especially being illegal in most states.