last couple times the wife came home from the store with English muffins they weren't cut. wait, wasn't this a rant a couple weeks ago? We are apparently running out of things to rant about.
There was a certain poster here who last year admitted he was taking a bath and rather than get out and use a toilet he pissed in a beer can, during the course of said bath he grabbed the wrong beer can and took a sip of his piss.
More like it went full circle Bill commented on my rant that he has moved on the bagels, when he mentioned the perils of cutting a bagel I back referenced to english muffins.
Speaking of English; where the heck has Will-O been? I think his account might be deleted. Dude was usually good for a laugh.
He had a great job and traveled the world, then he got a better job he has no time for us simpletons.
no, but I did inadvertently take a spritz of buck piss binaca a couple weeks ago. Not sure which is worse.
But you did not do it while taking a bath? Who the hell takes a bath? I do not have a bathtub in either bathroom at home.
I would prefer something that is not high maintenance yet hot. that woman looks like a world class pain in the ass.
Those are what we call “unicorns” , and are VERY few and far between. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk