That reminds me of a few years back. One of my friends had his brother in-law in town and they came over to my place. The brother in law ended up taking Yeager shots with a redneck friend of mine from high school. Eventually the two got into a heated argument about which of them could hypothetically catch the biggest fish in the river behind my house (we weren’t even fishing). Eventually they got up to fight. The brother in-law took the first swing and missed by a couple feet. The redneck friend took a swing and also missed by a foot or so. Brother in-law took a second swing and missed the redneck, but connected solidly with a freestanding bird feeder about 3 feet away then got tangled up in the bird feeder post and went crashing through a patio table knocking himself out cold. The redneck friend then tripped over the brother in-law and fell face first into the stone patio and was also TKO. Hands down the funniest thing I’ve ever witnessed. Three punches thrown, zero contact, both guys out cold on the pavement, and a patio table and bird feeder totally destroyed. The next day they were both so bruised and cut up that it looked like each of them got into it with Mike Tyson.
Double rant: The Walmart where I hunt has installed an outdoor sound system so I gotta listen to godaweful pop music in the background while I sit in the stand. Also, my best hunting buddy just found out he caught the alpha gal allergy. He loves hunting and venison. That **** blows.
[QUOTE="opossumhunterNC, Also, my best hunting buddy just found out he caught the alpha gal allergy. He loves hunting and venison. That **** blows.[/QUOTE] Been there, done that.... to many times!! Venison is better
Can somebody explain why in the hell do they not just completely cut english muffins all the way thru?
Who knows..both probably loaded with preservatives anyway. I've moved on to bagels over English muffins.
Let the dogs and had an an oh crap moment. I cleared a bunch of brush and burned it yesterday left it to smolder all night. I open the door and I can smell smoke and it looks smoked in, thought burned brush around the bay. Nope it was just fog.
Don’t I feel like an idiot!! When I posted pics in scorecard thread I somehow managed to put them upside down WTH Sent from my iPhone using Forums
No rant, just sad. We've made the decision to put our last pet down. This will make 4 in 3 years. Jade is our very old cat. She has been a strictly out door cat for years. She has a very insulated house on the porch she sleeps in . Well her hips are now going and these cold nights have shown her to be in discomfort. Though she purrs non stop as usual. She had a hard time maintaining her fur last winter and she's getting funny about her diet. We are going to give her the next week of good weather . She has been such a good little cat and was Angels best friend sleeping up against her belly when Angel was outside on the porch. She was with Angel when she passed this spring. Only cat I know that you can stroke her back to tail then lift her up by the tail. Release her and she keeps coming back for you to do it again and again purring louder with each lift. Makes me laugh. So many losses over a life time of companion pets ,I just don't think I can do it again. I know why people love their parrots, they give you a chance for them, to out live you.....
Are ranting about me, because I posted about how I was able to safely hang upside down from my saddle to avoid a fall on Saturday? I feel like this is directed at me, but instead of being mad, I am cool with it someone in my situation in a regular safety harness would have been stuck waiting on help or would have fallen.
Have you seen this woman pink or purple hair, pointy glasses, pierced nose with a ring, obese? Every single one is an annoying pain in the ass leftist liberal.
I realize I am late to the party on this one but he paid $750 in additional taxes (on top of everything else he already paid.) This year once it was all said and done we paid an additional $XX,XXX in taxes -after- we filed on top of what was deducted from our paychecks every pay period. ...effing SALT in the wound.