If there is any truth to that NYT story about Donald Trump only paying $750 in taxes in 2016 & 2017 then I am going to have to have a serious come to Jesus meeting with my accountant because she really needs to step up her game and get me on that $750 tax plan too.
Step 1, generate millions of dollars of losses (E.g. Buy a Casino, go bankrupt) Step 2 carry losses forward for future years, offsetting your income.
Walking to the stand in the dark this morning and I just could not snake this eerie kind of gut feeling that I was being watched/followed. Even turned on the flash light and swung back to check behind me a couple times. Eventually I convinced myself that I was just being paranoid and scaring all the deer shining my flashlight around. Well I just climbed down and hiked back to the truck and happened to look at some of the footprints I left in the mud this morning. I wasn’t a big fan of having these coyotes around but until now I haven’t really gone out of my way to do anything about it. Now that they are plotting to eat me I think I am going to have to kill them all.
It's alway a coyote hunt if one shows up. I don't care if a Booner is bedded at 60 yards. The yote is getting shot.
I agree and that’s been my policy up to now, but that only serves to maintain and maybe slightly reduce the population and I am looking for total annihilation. Just pulled a dozen or so foot hold traps out of the basement. Going to re-dye and wax them tonight so they will be ready. Haven’t decided if I want to put them out now or wait until after deer season. NC requires you to check your traps daily and I hate to create that much disturbance during the season. May just put them out on weekends or anytime I am going to be out there to hunt for 2 days or more in a row.
What's really scary is hearing them and turning around to see one coming up on you. Then one pass you just off to your side and circle around across your front trail. This was in a snow so they were vary visible... I smelled like my goat barn and the DEC told me " you were breakfast. " a pack had circled me and that's what the DEC told me they do before an attack. There were at least 4 of them. Shaking the action on my shot gun scared them off enough for a run to nearest stand. They yipped and howled to each other in front and behind me until day light. Never left hunting clothes in the goat barn again.
At the optometrist. Forgot to grab my sunglasses and now my eyes are diliated. Phone is blurry, typing probably looks like I have been dronking at 3pm on a Tiesday. I wish. Guess I get to wear the birth control glasses when I am done.
Piedmont, no wolves around here. They're all down there in Hyde and a couple of the surrounding counties. I saw one them a couple of years ago while I was duck hunting down at greenhill impoundment. Wasn't very hard to tell it wasn't a coyote.
For some reason thought you were down near the coast...or out toward Raleigh... What part of the Piedmont? I'm generally hunting Caldwell to Randolph and south...
My main hunting area is in north western Chatham. Only about 10 minutes from the Randolph county line. I also have a property down near Wilmington and another one in Hyde county as well as a buddy’s farm that’s about 20 miles outside of Fayetteville. Those all have bigger and more deer than my Chatham properties but I still end up doing at least 75% of my hunting in Chatham since its 10 minutes from my house so upkeep, hanging stands, scouting, etc (not to mention hunting) is a heck of a lot more convenient.
Y’all need to get some Calcutta’s. I am extremely talented at losing, breaking, and forgetting sunglasses. Discovered Calcuttas a few years ago and solved that problem. Good polarization, comfortable, and at $15 a pair it’s affordable to keep a couple pairs in the car, house, office, and boats. When the inevitable happens and you step on them, drop them in the ocean, or leave them somewhere you’re only out $15 and got a second pair ready to go. https://www.calcuttaoutdoors.com/collections/sunglasses/products/calcutta-in1g-inlet-sunglasses-1