Being run out of bed at midnight cause you fed the dog fried eggs for dinner and she pays you back with a gas attack. Lord have mercy what a stink!
LOL... 25+ yrs and I can tell you they NEVER come up here unless called. We also have a few that live on the hill not too far( miles) away.
When the wife decides to get revenge on you for getting revenge on your mother in law by slipping a couple of jacked up pieces of chocolate into your trail mix that you munch on all day.. at work.. while on roofs.
Just think of how smooth that move would be.... Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
Thieves...... I know it’s been mentioned a million times on this thread but I had a pistol stolen out of my car. Then a week later (last night) our whole neighborhood got hit by a bunch of gang bangers. They were packing too. Got a ton of footage from everyone’s cameras.
Going to sound like a richard here but in Sota fashion what in the hell are you leaving a pistol where it can get stolen?
All these colleges forcing their students to talk about and "learn" about racial stuff. This is college people. Freedom of speech is paramount. I would have never attended any mandatory event if that would have happened to me in college. My God where is this country heading?
It's why the day they announced a promotion for my daughter she walked into the presidents office and said heres my resignation. Walked away from a 150,000 job. Just could not watch the BS any more. If parents ever knew what really goes on, but they don't have a legal right to.
Five minutes before I am trying to go to sleep last night my wife asks if we can do family pictures on Saturday November 7. Um, no. I live in another country 2400 miles from my parents to give you the life you want. Weekends in November are untouchable, that is your thank you to me for the price I pay to live near your parents.