Never used the attachment before. Now I see it is adjustable. I shoved the thing on and gave it a whirl, probably 2mm(.080") where I had it Live and learn I guess
When all else fails read the directions. At least in 2-3 weeks it is just a memory of a bad experience. Not like you have to pay child support for your mistake.
Directions went out with the box a couple years ago. Attachments keep breaking from being brittle and figured I'd give this one a go
I had to swap the fan resistor on my 13 Expedition (basically same as an F150 in this video) and I had to literally lay the pass seat down and lay on my back with my head under the glove box to do it. I about broke my back. Was actually a 5 minute job once I was under there, but getting there? damn.
And during that time that you became a newfound contortionist and then wondered how controtionists did that chit for a living. You seen not less than 3 open spaces readily available for it to fit that were actually accessible.
Many LEOs already carry PLI. Those that don't are asking for trouble. If the department/agency decides what you did was outside the scope of your employment (and many already are or will; you need look no further than Atlanta) and fires you; or maybe what action you took was lawful but the officer was technically off duty, they do not have to protect you civilly (although historically most did in the case of justifiable action/force.) However- What Brett posted is the elimination of qualified immunity- meaning that wall is no longer there whether the employing agency wants to protect the officer or not. If QI is eliminated, plaintiffs will sue both the agency and the officer SEPARATELY. The officer's assets will no longer be protected. Even PLI only protects so much. A good/reasonably priced PLI policy protects maybe 50k in legal fees and 250-500k in asset protection. Sorry, but that's nothing. For most LEOs, that's less than 10 years of retirement benefits. The plaintiff will sue, and sue, and sue; piling up legal costs until the officer is bankrupt. Even if the officer was 100% in the right at the time of the incident and ultimately wins; without meaningful tort reform the officer will be bankrupt. Long story short, this is an absolute travesty in the making and most, if not nearly all LEOs will quit if if QI is removed. Again, the Left is at war with law and order. I can't make this point any more clearly.
I've replaced that card on my '05 f150 twice. Never laid on my back but it took some braille like feeling around to get it done.
Embrace the bald, it is very freeing. Besides, every time I see you on here, you are wearing the same hat so you are already 11/16 there.
At my brother's insistence, I tried In-n-Out for the first time over the weekend. Better than most drive-thru places. Still would have gone to Red Robin or something similar and paid more for a better burger.
Eww. If you ever see the chains "Cook out" or "bad daddy's", check them out. I know in n out has a cult-ish following, but to me, it was OK. For the value, I'd even say it was good. If throw Whataburger into this category also. Red Robin is just expensive for sit down, mediocre burgers, and unlimited fries.
Client asks my opinion, yet wants to do their own thing, apart from my recommendations or advice. I wash my hands. Good luck.
Had Red Robbin for the first time last week. Had the Royal whatever it's called, has the egg on top. Wasn't impressed, and for $13.50 my expectations weren't overly high. My personal favorite fast food burger is still the Monster burger from Hardee's, or some of you have it as Carl Jr.'s it's tpp damned expensive and probably equally as unhealthy so m9re of a once every few months type thing. Back in the day they used to have an ultimate roast beef, was on a hoagie and had the roast beef, swiss and bacon with mayo, was damn good as well.
I remember in high school you could get two monster thick burgers for like $6 or something and I used to do that all the time. I had one recently and I have no idea how I used to eat two of them lol they are good though best fast food burger imo Sent from my iPhone using Forums
In these times,....... Living on a steep hill in the middle of nowhere, having a car pull into drive at 2 a.m. to turn around. Never getting fully back to sleep...