Sometimes we just have to dig in our heels and go, yeah, I'll die on this hill. Especially when we get to entertain ourselves with great comebacks we know are going in the books for good. Hahahahahahaha
With all her yammering, she needs to eat some.. Oh well, I guess being one of those brighter side of life fellas, at least she is not all wigging out about everything else going on in the world these days.
Hhhmmmm watching the riots. Makes me think all you guys going into grizzly country or even heavy black bear will need to search long and hard for bear spray. Kind makes me wish I had stock in these companies....
Well having a post menopausal wife I am uniquely qualified to say when you are not actively trying to get laid, you can say all kinds of stuff that you might not have said 5 years ago.
Boulder wall, 9 engineered 48" stone steps 17' of cobblestone, fill sand, 19 more engineered stone steps 31 more feet of cobble stone, plants edging and mulch. Yes dear.
Son of a blow torch my phone was ringing I did not recognize the number so went unanswered. Then there was a voice mail so i googled the 670 area code. Oh hell no I do not want to go back there, only ww2 vets have a greater dislike of Saipan than I do. New landfill cell in hell probably go for the design meetings then commissioning of the new cell. I hate working with Chinese companies, money up front and the president of the contracting company looks like a bond villain.
Yea I'm not really sure what all wanna do to it yet. It won't end up too crazy. It looks good in pic but the body is rough in some spots. So first thing is fixing all that. I got it decently cheap tho for what guy had it did. Has brand new, tires, exhaust, brakes, and shocks. It rides and runs really nice, frame is in good shape too. The transmission skid plate also needs replaced but guy had new one in box got with it. This is my first jeep so right now just goin through and finguring out what I want fixed vs what needs fixed. This winter when construction is over and hunting slows down I'm gonna pull it in shop and start working on bigger stuff. And just adding to the theme of thread, welding sucks ha. It's something I'm not good at at all. But spent all afternoon fixing some spots on doors and it was a pain. But pretty sure by time i get done with this project I'll have plenty of practice ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Haha yea. Biggest problem is I've never really been around jeeps and now I own one. Anything I've ever worked on before is buy new and bolt on. Did see few videos where ppl riveted certain panels on but idk if want to go that route. It'll come together eventually. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If he'd bought a Scout he wouldn't need to any body work- just buy a whole new body... Speaking of, I think you can get a brand new YJ body for about $2k. Having done a dang near frame off on a TJ it's not that's hard.
Yea I've been pricing the panels needed for repairs. And depening on what decide really needs fixed it would be about 5-700 for factory type panels. Could cut out and make my own patches also that would save some. That's for everyting and then kist be my time, but like said come winter I'll have plenty of that and a nice shop I can do the work in. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk