BEST POST THIS YEAR Oh yeah I forgot I once worked a case where some guys accidentally left out some thc brownies and their 7 yr old brother snuck a few of them in the middle of the night. Well the kid stopped breathing and had to be yeah there's that
It goes together like Chinese food and chocolate pudding. Points for knowing where that quote came from.
You should see my garden, fully legal garden that is. According to my doctor I have anxiety and a history of glaucoma.. so.
Went to my bank today to withdraw some cash and apparently their money truck was late so they didn’t have enough cash for my withdrawal. So explain this to me... If I were to use more money than I have in my account then they’re are going to charge me a $40 overdraft fee for basically spending the banks money. So if I have money in my account and the bank doesn’t have enough money to cover it, shouldn’t they be paying me a $40 fee for fronting them the money to cover their f**kup?
What would you do? What would you do if you saw a mob walking down your drive DEMANDING you give up your home to a blk person? Well I'm saying it out loud, I'd step out onto my deck with my shot gun in hand and let them know. they are trespassing and signs are at my drive entrance. I would let them know I don't feel safe and will use deadly force if advanced on. I would then let them know if it comes to that, I would be freeing up houses for them from the dumb as whites they are with first.
I know it's a rant, but the answer depends on the type of account product. If it's a interest free checking account (DDA), checking with interest (Now) or something else...
Is anybody really surprised? It isn’t hard to figure out that the sooner you start the indoctrination, the more successful it is. The nazi’s, whopractically wrote the book on indoctrination, had the Hitler Youth for a reason... Fortunately for us, we’re still in the pretty early stages of our socialist revolution so we still have time to stop it before it gets to the point where the thought police become government sanctioned and the re-education camps start opening in order to begin eliminating the undesirables, (or as the current generation likes to call them, The Deplorables)
Note to self do not turn around in old not dead driveway, likely to get drawn on and not a damn thing wrong with that.
When hubbie worked in Colorado I told him NEVER fly home unexpected he'd never make it up the stairs. I was alone back in the woods nearest neighbor 1/4 mile away with 2 elementary kids. One of his flights came in really really late and the kids and I picked him up. Got kids to bed then I went. He had jet lag and stayed up a bit. Well I had trained my shepherd to sleep on the bed with me. She was my first alert. I woke up to SOB !!!. He didn't turn on light and reached to turn back covers. She never even growled, just bit a hole through his hand.
If it has as much thc in it as I expect and she goes for a drive, she pry won’t be going more than 5 mph. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
There is definitely something to be said for living close enough to in-laws that the grand kids can see the grandparents on a regular basis, just not so close that unannounced visits are possible. They showed up the other night to drop off chips and cheese dip at 8:00 pm. I am sorry, but that is when the kids are getting ready for bed, not having dinner.