Nah - definitely put her in the chest freezer. There is plenty of room in there when you eat pizza and fast food for every meal.
Why the Eff would someone throw beer cans and expessially BOTTLE'S in a fire ring?? Seen it today right smack dab in the middle of a nice yard. Lots of them!
no, it's a 3 laner- left only, then a straight only, then an extra wide straight/RH turn lane combo- problem is these idiot FIBs don't hug the left side of the line and screw everyone trying to turn right. This jackass almost got pulled out of his car and beaten. Literally no reason to hog the whole lane unless you're a clueless FIB or just a general jackass.
I definitely felt it. My dog did too - he ran in, jumped up on my bed, and tried to hide between me and the mattress (apparently his self-preservation instinct is a lot stronger than his protect my owner instinct). You know living in NC, you know you’re going to have a lot of hurricanes, but that’s okay because that’s part of the deal: you put up with the hurricanes so you don’t have to f**k with s**t line earthquakes, wildfires, and lots of tornados. In the past week we have had a hurricane, a bunch of tornados, and now a damn earthquake. WTF. Seems like Mother Nature isn’t holding up her end of the deal. I think I need to go check the woods and make sure they aren’t on fire too.
Working a midnight schedule and having to get some daytime sleep. Everyone opening doors and being all normal human like people while talking. Dang them.
Well,lets see whats first! Those mother $=&#@\% hornets on the porch. Thought we got rid of them have destroyed three of their hives, sprayed killing them have everything stinking of spray. Hubbies sitting at kitchen table reading the new freezer instructions and looks up as I came in house from discing. This is when he sees a bunch of them flying out of our american flag wind sock I'd just walked under. They have started a nest on the outside, why? Because they have filled the inside with a soccer ball side hive Before this I go and disc the middle plots and drive out to disc big lane way plot. I drive by my late season peach and the bear have tore off a main branch( 3 yrs old) from that young has a cage around it...\%#&%@#@%!!!!!!! Oh and this stinking devise which is getting worse and worse!
How to end your Sunday. Beautiful breeze for once from the west....and the hunting camp just to your west is burning his weekend garbage filling the house with putrid smoke. I finally ,opting not going down and getting in his face , walk to the edge of our ridge over looking his camp and yelled " Stop burning that f-ing garbage" They may have heard me across the valley. Classless, sure enough, but at this point.... well the saying about a rats behind comes to mind.
They got lucky that game was as close as it was. 3 of the 4 the Wild scored were junk shots with lucky bounces.
Working on a china made atv! I know, I know. I bought a used Hensim 70cc quad for my 6 year old for a hundred bucks. They come with a ton of interlocks. There is a tether kill, a remote kill, have to hold the brake handle in to start, and a switch on the back that you can hook a rope to and pull it to kill the motor. Like I'm going to trot around for hours behind my kid, but I digress. Third ride after I bought it. Just when my kid (he's six) is really getting the hang of not just holding the throttle wide open (has a governor thank goodness) and using the brakes, he stops for a break and I see smoke coming out from under the front cowl. Long story short, some wiring had rubbed through and I watched as it caught fire. By the time I get it put out it has damaged most of the main harness and the wiring from the key switch. This had been arcing for quite a while by the looks of things. Why didn't it blow the main fuse? Because one of the previous owners had gotten tired of the rubbed wiring blowing the main in line fuse from the positive on the battery, removed it, wire-nut it together and left it with zero fuse protection. Looking for parts, there is no specific harness and key switch for a Hensim, just a bunch of random "for a china quad" parts. I order a main harness and key switch. They show up, they are not even in the realm of being a match. Wrong connectors, male ends where female ends should be, etc. etc. I tore into Saturday morning. Separated all the melted wires, traced them out, cut at both ends where they were still good, and spliced in new wire. One by one. Takes me until late Saturday afternoon. Hook up the battery and try it. Won't crank over. Get up Sunday and tear into it again. Use a test light and do a bunch of tracing trying to figure out where power is being interrupted. It's so convoluted I can't find where the problem is. At noon I get fed up. Break out the ohm meter. Find the hot wire. Ohm out the kill switch and starter button. Abandon the rear interlock switch, brake lever switch, and the key switch. Cut off plug-in connectors and splice the needed wires together, along with the tether. It now cranks if the kill switch is in the run position and the start button is pushed. Put fuel tank back on, hook up fuel line. Fires right up. Tether kills it when pulled, kill switch kills it when flipped to off. Why didn't I do that in the first place? Kid's smile when it starts...well, that belongs in the Best Things in Life thread.
Mother in law is in town. She came over at 10am while nobody was home and thought it was too cold so she turned the thermostat up to 75°. I don't even think that needs any more explanation.