Market share. We are the number 2 supplier in the world. They would like to at least stay there if not make a challenge to number 1. We have been nipping at their heels. No ploy. Our production product will be absorbed by other plants. Our service work may or may not be. If not, we will offer customers an opportunity to make a "lifetime" buy or they will need to resource. They need time to determine where these products will go and if the equipment will go with the product or if they will retool the new host plant. As a foreign owned company, I doubt they would get any federal bail out.
Not sure yet. I would be eligible to file but the hit between 62 and say 65 (when I originally planned to exit full time work) is a big one. I have to dig into my 401K and see what I have available that is a bit "safer" than what I had originally planned. Or look at rollover potentials. I think I will be here until the bitter end. I know the jobs of all my coworkers (who are all younger than me). My normal production/service customers may go away sooner than later but I also have prototype customers. We have no other plant that does this work at the moment and they don't know where this will go. I'm hoping there will be some big carrot for staying. (Will not know that for another year.) A weeks pay for each year of service would be a nice carrot. Maybe I could travel to the next plant to have the prototype shop. Maybe they will want help in that transition. If not, my wife is already looking for jobs for me. LOL. Her giving away my tax money to the "needy" has its advantages. She has access to the "JOBS" network and will see what comes in and I don't have to go there to search. She has already sent me 4. 2 I'm on the periphery. I could BS my way into one but not the other. One would have been OK if I were leaving tomorrow. The last one I think she is trying to send me a message. Armed security guard...OK. Got that in my military background. But in Afghanistan??? The pay for that job is NOT commensurate to the risk.
You know when you call IT or the cable company about an internet outage and the first thing they tell you is to try restarting the equipment and it’s really annoying because who in their right mind wouldn’t try that before calling them and waiting on hold for half an hour... well I know exactly who wouldn’t try that and she works for me.... it’s like every damn week I get a call... my printer’s not working, my email won’t send, I can’t get this or that program to open... and it’s literally the exact same conversation every time. I say “have you tried restarting the computer, printer, etc...” “no, it was working fine 30 minutes ago” “we’ll try restarting it and see what happens” “Oh, thang you, that fixed it” I mean seriously, have you really not noticed that every single time something isn’t working right, when you call me I tell you to do the exact same thing and it literally fixes it 100% of the time. How about next time instead of calling me, try the very simple solution which fixed the last 50 problems you had and that you know is going to be the first thing I tell you to do when you call. On the slight chance that restarting whatever isn’t working doesn’t fix it then give me a call. I mean really, if you get home after work tonight and the door knob won’t turn, are you going to pull out your well phone and call a locksmith to replace the door knob or are you going to pull out your house key and try unlocking the door first.
The very last thing I want to do is talk to the parasitic IT clown. I will have a guy in marketing help me rather than dealing with the IT assclown.
Your wife is suggesting armed security guard in Afghanistan? I think you might wanna be a little nicer to said wife and/or drastically reduce the amount of your life insurance policy. Probably ought to think about going through and removing any weapons and kitchen knives you have in the house as well.
Like the taste of Black Rifle coffee and I have a pretty strong stomach, but my goodness it really Black Rifles me if you know what I mean. Running toward the toilet about thirty minutes after ingestion.
She actually sent it asking me if this was "a thing". LOL 200/day is only worth it if you have a warrant out for your arrest and need to leave the country.
Just remember with private contractor gigs, high risk high reward. 200/day means you'll probably come home or the market has been saturated with former FFL, again. I think a good secret squirrel pays around 800-1200/day right now.
Kids in their 20's. We had an employee quit to go back to school, he never said he was a student during the hiring process, another employee quit his job to follow his music career. Both voluntarily ended their employment and then filed for unemployment after they quit. That is not how it works you entitled pukes.
No, but states, cities, counties may offer a deal like tax or other perks to acquire more workers /tax revenue...for increased operations at a the acquiring location.
The reason most ppl dislike IT guys it's 2 fold. 1. Lots of us have little to no personal skills 2. You only call us when there is a issue then stand over us trying to help and saying stupid shiz
I am sorry for my past issues, that is peer gold and so true. If I could add 3. You never call us the 99.999% the system is running fine and say thank you.
Are you kidding. We (IT) are all cost and no added value according to the accounting VP... We have no part in the profits made.. but by god we sure show up on the expense side LOL God forbid a virus gets loose in email or a critical servers up time falls below 99.9 %
Worse than IT guy is me. Cyber security of a .gov domain...everybody hates us. I even think my government boss regards me as a pita. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app