My rant today.. it's not October 1st and I'm not in a tree. Some days, I dont care whether it's the season or not, I just want to climb a tree in the middle of the woods. Hang out, watch the wildlife and forget the rest if the world exists.
**** you Dairy Queen cake. So so good... can’t not eat it. But every time I eat it, it gives me the ****s from hell. Every. Single. Piece. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Come home to no hot water Looks like it's time to go tankless. We keep hemorrhaging money like this and I'll need to start voting Democrat so y'all can take care of me. Any room on the high horse @Germ?
Yeah my parents did not have good luck. Then again it was in Florida so it went unused all summer and groundwater quality sucks.
Must be the month. Sons tankless went. He just called last night about changing back to a tank water heater.
So being that Karen stole your Tupperware and she’ll be looking for a new job? Where do I send the application so I can get in on the fishing tourney?
A baseball player has taken the time to read into the mission statement of BLM and based on his christian values he does not support the idea of kneeling during the anthem. This is found to be offensive to the liberals, progressives etc. How tolerant.
The whole site was having issues. Couldn't post on the laptop either, I could navigate the site although it was slower than usual. Not sure about the app but the browser version appears fine now.
from another thread but my reply is more of a rant- we have been working from home for 4 months and without notice or training this week upper management decided it was a good time to migrate all taskings, statistical tracking, virtual meetings, etc to Microsoft Teams. The average age employee in my office is 45+, and has never used or even heard of MS Teams. I would venture to say over half can barely use Excel. We haven't hired anyone under the age of 32 in over a decade. What could go wrong?