We were heat index of 100 today and got to finish 40x60 concrete shed floor. That was a joy ha. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Come out this way during the hunting season. You and @LittleChief can meet up on public land here and have a killing spree. Lots of deer, affordable nonresident license will a six deer statewide limit. I can tag along as a pack mule and play mediator when your combined scouting leads to the two of you into arguing over who gets a spot.
An eBay search for ch751 and $1 or so will get one shipped to your door. Also, while your at it, you should order a “1284x ford fleet key” too. That key will allow you to “borrow” the majority of taxis, and older model ford work trucks, tow trucks, panel vans, and corporate fleet cars that you come across. Oh, I almost forgot, most police cars... they use that key too.
I shot mine Wednesday evening and it was torture... on the bright side, when your hands and riser are soaked in sweat it helps prevent bow torque - it’s just too damn slippery for that to happen
That first year in the dorms on the food plan books etc is a *****. Second year off campus month by month more manageable except when tuition bill is due and you hear you make too much money for assistance or a break.
So I paid a couple locals to mow the ranch while I was cleaning up out today. I hate to be a judgmental jerk but they both know the property is vacant now. I would bet $1000 the place will get broke into before I close on the 31st.
So the wife has found the landscaping lacking she wants a wandering stone path stairway, granted I do not like the wood stairs but really a straight path with flat stones works a meandering walkway costs more $. But we will be meandering, happy wife happy life just takes $
By one of those motion sensors that makes an extremely loud noise and start saying you are being recorded and you will be prosecuted. Lol
America is harboring some of the most stupid, selfish, and narcissistic people on Earth. How the hell did we get here?